Chapter 7: Dueling motives

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The next day, Cyrene asked her prefect Jane to meet her at the training grounds. If there was anyone who could teach me and Rowan to duel, it would be her. Cyrene thought.

'You asked our prefect to meet us here? Why?' asked Rowan.

'I need to find someone who can teach me how to duel.' said Cyrene. 'I can't just walk away if Merula challenges me again, and I can't let her go on bullying you or me or anyone.'

'Are you angry about Merula's accusations about your brother's expulsion?' asked Rowan.

'Of course I'm angry. Even if Merula's right about a few things, my brother is my family.' said Cyrene.

'Which parts of what Merula said are true?'

'My brother swore that mysterious treasures were hidden inside of Cursed Vaults at Hogwarts.' said Cyrene. 'But no one believed him. He broke rules and endangered others trying to prove he was right. Some say he unleashed curses on Hogwarts. Or that he was cursed or had gone mad.' she finished.

'Mad enough to work for He Who Must Not Be Named?' Rowan was shocked to hear all this.

'No, Merula made up that bit. But she was right about my brother being missing.' said Cyrene. 'After he got expelled, he ran away from home and hasn't been seen since. There were rumours he came back to Hogwarts to search for the Cursed Vault.'

'I'm here. What was so urgent, Cyrene?' Jane came and walked over towards them.

'I need to learn how to duel – and quickly.' said Cyrene. She was getting slightly impatient while waiting for Jane.

'I'm afraid I'm quite busy. Is this about what happened with Merula Snyde?' said Jane.

'You know about what happened with Merula?' Cyrene didn't talk to Jane during that day.

'She's telling everyone that she knocked you over. And that she'll do it again.' said Jane.

'So Merula does plan to challenge me again?'

'Then you must teach Cyrene self-defence... or you're not being the best Prefect you can be.' said Rowan.

Jane sounded convinced by Rowan. 'Which duelling spells do you know so far?' she asked.

'I don't know any duelling spells...' Cyrene was rather embarrassed about this.

'Well, I won't have time to teach you everything.' said Jane.

'Learn one offensive move, one creative advantage, and one way to heal yourself.' she said. 'Then find me and I'll show you how to put it all together.'

'But how do I learn all those things before Merula strikes again?' asked Cyrene.

'Hufflepuff keeps a secret duelling book hidden in the Artefact Room. You can start there.' said Jane.

'We've never been to the Artefact Room before.' said Rowan.

'Then you're in for a treat. Good luck.' said Jane before walking away.

Rowan and Cyrene quickly headed upstairs to the Artefact Room. They were eager to learn how to duel as soon as possible.

'So this is the Artefact Room!' said Cyrene.

'What's your first impression of the place, Cyrene?' asked Rowan.

'It's impressive. Look at how much magical stuff is crammed in here!'

The room had a very mysterious atmosphere. There were many drawers and baskets filled with strange stuff. Cyrene looked around and saw a skull on a shelf and a pillar that had ancient writing on it.

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