Chapter 9: A curious corridor

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Cyrene cleaned up in the Hufflepuff Common Room and walked as slowly as possible to the West Towers to see Snape. While she was walking past Dumbledore's office, someone unexpected greeted her.

'Hello, Cyrene Lennox.' it was the pretty Hufflepuff girl during the Sorting. She was the most popular student in their year. Her name is Penny Haywood.

'You know who I am?' Cyrene was shocked to be recognised by Penny.

'Does that surprise you?'

'Yeah, I mean, you're Penny Haywood. You're the most popular girl in our year, and I'm... not popular.'

'I disagree, Cyrene. Everyone is talking about the hero who was brave enough to stand up to the tyranny of Merula Snyde.' said Penny. 'Not to mention all the rumours surrounding your brother...'

'Did you want something?' asked Cyrene.

'I wanted to say thank you. Hogwarts is supposed to be fun, but Merula was making it miserable for everyone.'

'Someone had to do something.'

'I agree, but only you were brave enough. I hope Professor Snape doesn't punish you for your bravery.' said Penny. 'Let me know if I can ever help you with anything, Cyrene. I know the gossip around Hogwarts, and I'm pretty good with potions if I say so myself.'

'I will. Thanks, Penny.'

'Thank you, Cyrene. I'll see you around.' Penny finished and walked away.

Soon, Cyrene went to where Merula and Professor Snape were waiting for her impatiently next to a painting of a tree branch.

'Now that Miss Lennox is here, I can discuss your punishment.' said Professor Snape. 'Expulsion seems to be the most logical option.'

'I had nothing to do with it, Professor. I only defended myself when this loser attacked me!' said Merula. Cyrene rolled her eyes.

'Everyone saw you cast the first spell, Miss Snyde. This, however, does not exclude Lennox's behaviour.' said Professor Snape. 'Since you arrived, you have fought in the corridor, made a mess of my classroom, and duelled on school grounds.' he continued while glaring at Cyrene. 'This, after the damage your brother did to Hogwarts. Why shouldn't you receive the harshest punishment for your actions, Lennox?'

'I know I broke the rules, Professor. I'm sorry. Please don't be too hard on me.' said Cyrene.

'Twenty points from Hufflepuff. I should take another twenty for your snivelling.' said Professor Snape. 'As I said, expulsion is the logical punishment for duelling on school grounds. Unfortunately, our Headmaster is illogical, and believes that expulsion is unfair in this case. If either of you are ever caught duelling on school grounds again, I can assure you that you will not be so fortunate.' Rage and anger boiled inside of Cyrene. Merula did not receive any sort of punishment whatsoever.

At that moment, a man with thin grey hair and pale eyes walked towards Professor Snape.

'What is it, Mr Filch?' asked Snape in an annoyed voice.

'Professor Snape, you must come with me right away. It's about the... vaults.' he said the last word very softly.

Professor Snape turned around. 'Return to your common rooms.' he said to them. He then followed Filch off towards a corridor.

'They must be talking about the Cursed Vaults!' said Merula excitedly. She immediately rushed off to follow both of them.

Cyrene took a while to notice that Merula had left. She was still upset about her missing House Points. Suddenly, a realisation hit her. Merula had teased her by telling her brother was mad looking for non-existent Cursed Vaults. And yet she is here excited about them now.

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