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I was so eager to change out of my damn itchy dress and get into something more comfortable, not to mention brush my teeth and moisturise my face that felt as though it had been utterly neglected.
"Thanks for saving me from the judgement and stares of commuters." I said to Oli, referring to his earlier joke, as we headed to the lift.
"Well," he said, hitting the button for the basement. "You couldn't really blame them for staring." he exclaimed. Was that a compliment or was he implying my dress was slutty? We reached the basement and I followed him to his car that, well, was him all over. He had driven me home in the same car a few weeks ago but I had never even taken notice of it, now though, I definitely did. It was matte black, sporty and kind of looked like it belonged in a Batman movie. I'm glad to say however, that he didn't drive like he was chasing bad guys through the city.
"I feel sooooo good," he exclaimed as we got in and buckled up. "My headache is completely gone thanks to your magic hands." he laughed as he turned his key in the ignition. I just laughed.
"Glad I could help." I chuckled.

He remembered how to get to my apartment aside from the very last street turn and that impressed me. "So... I would really like it if you came and stayed with us for a bit longer." he said, looking over at me as we stopped at a red light. I glanced over at him with a frown.
"You don't have to, I just like your company." he added. "I mean, we all do. It's nice having someone new to talk to and the girls really like you a lot." he quickly added before I had said anything. A smile grew on my face because that genuinely made me so happy.
"I don't know what to say." I replied, a little taken back. All I had wanted was to make friends, for Oli and his friends to accept me and like me and now, they apparently did. As we started moving again, Oli revealed that he had spoken to his friends about me staying again while I was upstairs retrieving my phone and that they were all for it. I felt really accepted and thankful that these people were so welcoming to me when I was a stranger and Oli and the band were in a position that anyone could take advantage of them. I still wondered how they were so open toward me.
"I'm a pretty good judge of character." Oli said, almost as if he had heard what I was thinking. "Well, usually." he added immediately, furrowing his brows.
"Girls?" I asked, remembering the conversation I'd had at the party with Emma, Dani and Nat. "Nothing but problems..." he said with a laugh, trailing off and avoiding the question.
"Hey! That's not fair! We're not all bad!" I said sarcastically, in defence of the entire female gender.
"Says the girl who told me she was never getting into a relationship ever again because ALL guys are assholes." he laughed. He was such a smart ass.
"Yeah, yeah..." I said with an amused eye roll.

I sat and watched him tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the music coming through his car stereo softly. "You know, I have really enjoyed hanging out with you these past twenty-four hours." I said. I saw him trying not to smile. "If I'm being honest, I kind of thought you were going to be a dickhead." I said, laughing at myself for admitting that. He made a shocked, kind of 'what the hell' noise at me. "I mean, I know you're not now." I said laughing. "And the guys are all really nice too." I added, looking over at him as his eyes stayed glued to the road. "And I really, really like the girls, I can't believe they just accepted me the way they did. Sometimes girls don't want anything to do with me because they just assume, well, they just don't like me." I added.
"Yeah because they're jealous." Oli interrupted in an unimpressed tone.
"They have nothing to be jealous of." I chuckled.
"Yeah but you're beautiful. Other girls are probably just intimidated by that." he replied. 
"Maybe..." I said trailing off. "Anyway, it's really nice to have made some friends. I mean, maybe we're friends... OH GOD." I said loudly. "Are we friends?!" I asked in fake terror. Oli laughed loudly. "You're not saying yes!!!!!" I exclaimed, staring at him and pulling a fake concerned face. He glanced over at me and laughed loudly.
"Yeah, you're alright I 'spose." he said jokingly. I laughed and playfully slapped his arm then  shifted in my seat to face him more.
"I have to ask... when you saw me at Reading, did you think I was some crazy fan or stalker or something?" I asked. He glanced over with a grin.
"Nah, I could just see you needed help." he replied. "And let's be honest, you had no fucking idea who I even was!" he said chuckling at his own comment. I laughed too.
"Sorry." I replied.
"Way to bruise my ego." he laughed.
"Well, I know now and I think you're cool. And besides, I did know of your band... just not you specifically. Feel better now?" I quipped sarcastically. He turned around and pulled the stupidest, ugliest, funniest expression I have ever seen in my entire life and I started laughing uncontrollably. I was laughing so hard that I was almost crying and he started laughing too, I think he was more just laughing at how much I was losing my shit.
"What?" he asked, laughing. I kept laughing, re-imagining the look he just gave me in my mind. "You are so fucking weird!" I finally laughed out, wiping my eyes as I calmed myself down. "Thanks!" he replied as I realised we were nearing my street. I directed him to the right one and let out a long sigh after my hysteria. "You know, I bought Sempiternal just a couple of days before I saw you in Hyde Park." I admitted with a grin.
"Oh yeah? And?" he asked curiously.
"It's brilliant." I stated. He just smiled to himself like he was glad I thought so.
"Thanks." he replied. 

"OK we're here, so just grab some clothes and stuff for a few days, yeah?" Oli quipped as we came to a stop. Even though I hadn't actually agreed to go back to the apartment with him for a little longer, I guess he took my admittance to friendship as acceptance of his offer.
"You know I didn't actually say yes..." I replied cheekily.
"Sure you did." he said with a smile as he pulled the handbrake on right in front of my apartment block. I laughed at his assumption but I actually felt really good about having made friends, and I hadn't laughed so much in the past month as I did in the past 15 minutes. "Fine.." I said, rolling my eyes pretending that I didn't necessarily want to. "I guess I can deal with you and your weird face for a bit longer." I joked.

Oli followed me into my flat, which was a little embarrassing considering where he was living. I excused myself to change into something more comfortable and threw a few outfits into an overnight bag; jeans, shirts, skirts, pyjamas, a comfy dress, a bikini and of course underwear. I threw in my makeup bag and a few toiletries and grabbed a couple of pairs of shoes on the way out too. I had everything I needed for a few days away from home. When I headed back into the living area, Oli was in the kitchen looking at the flower by the windowsill; the one he had picked for me and I had put in a glass. It was still bright and alive like it was the day he gave it to me and he looked at me while I just smiled.
"You kept it." he stated. I wasn't sure why he was surprised by that.
"Of course I did. It's kind of like a little reminder to be positive and also a memory of a happy day." I said with a smile. I quickly went around and turned off everything at the wall, grabbed my phone charger and drew the blinds while Oli had already picked up my bag to carry back to his car for me. "OK, let's go!" I said. I locked the door behind me and followed him down the stairwell back to the street. "You know you can't get out of truth or dare now..." Oli said as we walked to the car.
"Oh God." I replied. "I hate to disappoint you, but I'll just choose truth every time and trust me, I'm not very exciting." I said as I opened the passenger door and sat back into the car. Oli laughed as he threw my bag into the back then flopped back into the driver's seat. "I find that very hard to believe." Oli replied as he started the engine.

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