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Waking up on the morning I was flying to Sheffield with Oli was a mixture of excitement and nerves, mostly though, I was just glad to be able to relax with him for a while and see how we were together without a million other things going on around us. As I woke up and I opened my eyes, Oli was laying there looking at me like he'd been awake for a while. "Good morning." I said as I stretched next to him. "You're coming home with me today." he said with a big smile. I honestly found it so adorable how excited he was that I was going with him to his hometown in the UK.

We ordered breakfast to the room then headed to the airport just after 9am. Our flight was at midday and since the guys had their tickets booked together, my seat wasn't next to Oli's, but Micky kindly swapped with me so he could have a window seat and I could sit beside my man. Our seats kind of faced into each other and I jokingly pulled the little privacy screen out to block Oli from seeing me as we sat on the tarmac, but of course, I was just messing around. The flight was only eight hours, but the time difference meant we were landing at 11:30 at night, and once we arrived in Manchester, it was another 1.5 hour drive to Sheffield. Plus there was however long it took for us to clear customs and get our luggage as well. We weren't going to be at Oli's house until around 2am, but I guess we'd have plenty of time to get over the jet lag.

I fell asleep for about two hours on the plane, half way through watching 'Guardians of the Galaxy'. Oli seemed impressed by my ability to sleep anywhere, anytime, but it was only because I was always so busy and I never stopped moving around with my modelling... I had to learn how to get sleep whenever and wherever I could! I ventured over to Oli a couple of times and sat on his lap, but it wasn't exactly comfortable so I didn't stay long. We joked about joining the mile-high club, but honestly, there was no way I would risk getting caught doing such a thing... and I'm sure air plane bathrooms aren't exactly the most sanitary places! Once we'd landed in England, we disembarked and got out of the airport quickly, into waiting cars and on our way to Sheffield. It was too dark for me to really see much out the window, but Oli held my hand tightly the whole way, obviously excited that I was going to his home with him. Jordan, Matt and Lee had taken a separate car, so it was just me and Oli with Micky in ours. We dropped Micky off first and said goodbye, then it was another five minutes to Oli's house. I don't know what I expected, but I was surprised they lived so close together! As we pulled into his street, I could tell he was excited and as we stopped in front of a house with a big black gate, he squeezed my hand and looked at me. "We're home!" he said with a smile.

Oli hit a button on a set of keys to open the gate and the car drove us right to the door. Even though it was dark, I could kind of see the house and as we stopped, a security light came on. Oli's house was surprisingly kind of Mediterranean looking but was a normal kind of size from what I could tell - though big by English standards from what I could remember from living in London. I hadn't made any pictures in my mind of what his house would look like, but for some reason I guess I'd assumed it would be a dark, slick, modern building. The driver retrieved our bags from the boot and placed them by the front door, and Oli closed the gate before pushing his key into the front door lock. "Welcome to Casa Del Syko." he whispered with a laugh, pausing before pushing the door open.

He dragged both of the suitcases in behind me as I stepped in; just kind of stopping inside the door since I didn't know where to go. It was also pitch black, I might add. He hit the lights and I saw my first glimpse of his house; a big staircase, a door off to the right and a couple of stairs down to a hallway on the left. There was also a huge, black-framed mirror that almost scared me half to death as I caught my reflection in it. Oli closed the door and grabbed my hand, then took me on a quick tour. We were both exhausted and wanting to sleep, but he obviously wanted to show me where everything was. The bottom level consisted of the kitchen, dining area and the lounge where he had the biggest TV I think I'd ever seen as well as gaming consoles and gigantic surround sound speakers. There were double-doors that led out to the backyard too. The kitchen was dark grey; almost black, so was his couch and rug, so my ideas of his 'dark-coloured' house weren't entirely wrong. As I stepped into the lounge room, my eyes quickly travelled over all of the things I could see in a huge shelving unit; DVDs, games, knickknacks, books, and then right in the middle of everything, the framed yellow flower that I'd sent him almost a year ago for his birthday; sitting proudly on display. My heart almost stopped and I just stood there for a second as all of the memories of when I'd sent to him came rushing back. He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. "The flower?" he asked as I stood there with my mouth open.
"It's so crazy to see that again..." I said, feeling tears welling in my eyes just thinking about the person I was back then, everything he was going through that I didn't know about... and just the fact that he had not only kept it, but had put it so proudly on display. It would have made him think of me every day when he saw it.
"It meant a lot to me, and so did you." he said softly. It was so beautiful that he had kept it and displayed it where everyone could see it, not knowing that I was ever going to be coming to his house or that he'd ever even speak to me again.

We wandered back toward the front of the house where the staircase was and he opened the door to the right, showing me where his car was parked. It also brought back a lot of memories... the night he drove me home after Green Day when I was a total mess after being cheated on, the day he drove me from the apartment to pick up clothes and we were singing Linkin Park, and of course, the day he drove me home and we said goodbye. It was amazing how many memories I had just from being around his belongings. "The best room in the house is down behind the car, but I'll show you that tomorrow." he said with a smile as he took my hand and led me up the stairs. He showed me three bedrooms and a bathroom, before leading me to the main bedroom – the place I would be sleeping hopefully really soon.
"So here's the room we will probably have the most fun in." he said with a laugh. It was big, with dark carpet, a black feature wall, and dark grey bed covers, but surprisingly with all the black, it was still really warm and inviting.

"The en suite is here." he said leading me to it, also dark with black tiles floor to ceiling, and then the walk-in. "And here's all my shit." he said with a laugh. It wasn't totally messy, but it wasn't exactly neat either, though the shoes were nicely arranged. "If I knew I would be bringing you back with me when I left, I would have tidied better." he said with a laugh. As if I cared. I noticed a wall covered with photos, so I went over and started studying it while Oli went and collected the suitcases from downstairs. I scanned my eyes over the photos and there were lots of him with the guys, some with his brother Tom, ones of his dogs, tour pics, and some photos of him with who I assumed were his parents. As I travelled around the wall, I saw one that made my heart actually leap; the photo of him, Skrillex and I that Tom had taken the night we went out for Jordan and Emma's anniversary last year in London. I had never even seen the photo before, but I smiled at how happy we all looked. That night was a great memory – well, at least the parts I remembered. As Oli came in with the bags, I pointed at the photo stuck to the wall and smiled. He walked over to me and put his arms around me. "I remember the day I put that one up. Tom was here and he said maybe I shouldn't because it would just remind me of you and he was worried I'd be upset whenever I saw it." he said honestly. "But I wasn't, it's a happy memory and one of my favourite photos." he added, kissing my head then stepping away. "I have these ones too." he said as he pulled out a draw on his bedside table and handed me a few photos. There was one of me and Oli from the same night, one of the entire group at the club, a couple of the others, one of me and Tom that I don't remember, and two of me on Oli's back from when we did the impromptu photo shoot before leaving the apartment. "I hope you don't think I'm a creep for having photos of you." he said with a laugh. I definitely didn't... it just reminded me that he really did like me, even when I was an absolute nobody.
"No..." I said, looking at him. "It almost makes me want to cry because you actually cared about me all that time ago, when I was a scared little girl and a total nobody." I admitted. "It's really sweet that you kept these." I added, kissing him quickly.
"Well, I'm more excited for the new ones I'll get to put up there in the next couple of weeks." he said, wrapping his arms around me. Truthfully, I couldn't wait to make memories with him either.

It was 2:30 in the morning, so we took quick showers - separately so we weren't tempted to stay up doing other things, and I threw on my pyjamas ready for bed. I was exhausted since it was something like 6am in the USA by time we were ready to get to sleep. I climbed into his bed and I guess living in hotels meant it wasn't weird getting into beds that weren't my own, but this felt different. It felt personal. It was entirely his space, his safety zone, and he was bringing me into it. "It's kind of hard to believe you're here." he said quietly to me as I cuddled up to him. "I definitely didn't think the next time I was in my bed you'd be in it with me, but I'm the happiest I've ever been because you are." he whispered. It melted my heart when he said things like that. He made me feel so loved. "I love you so much, Oli." I whispered as I kissed his cheek and then buried my face into him, smiling to myself. "I love you too." he replied through the darkness with a kiss to my forehead.

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