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I sat and watched him for another five or so minutes before he ordered me off to the bedroom so he could set the table. I returned to tealight candles, glasses of wine and the flowers he'd bought me off to the side. Normally I'd say it was corny, but it was so sweet. He'd gone to so much effort. He pulled out my chair and then brought over the plate of whatever it was he cooked that he'd tried to make look nice on the plate. "I promise it tastes better than it looks." he said as he placed it in front of me. Honestly, at that moment I could have cried. He was the sweetest boy I'd ever met and he'd done all of this for me. Nobody had ever made so much effort on me before. "Oli..." I said, getting up out of my chair. I couldn't not get up and hug him. "Nobody has ever done anything like this for me before." I said into his shirt. "I don't think you understand how adorable you are right now." I added, looking up at him. He just smiled at me and kissed me. "Thank you." I said. I almost could have told him right then and there that I loved him... but it was way too soon and besides, I had plenty of time for that so I kept it to myself.

The vegetable stir-fry kind of thing he cooked was actually delicious and I couldn't help but just stare at him in awe. He caught me gazing at him a couple of times so made faces to make me laugh across the table and we talked about random things... about our plans for the next few days and then about the upcoming trip to Sheffield. He made some further suggestions about catching up with the guys and girls for dinner which sounded great. About an hour passed and we'd reached the bottom of the bottle of wine, so it was probably a good time to stop.
"So what do you want to do now?" Oli asked me across the table. He could barely even keep a straight face as he asked because he knew exactly what I wanted to do.
"Maybe we should watch a movie?" I suggested even though I knew we wouldn't.
"Mmm... I think we should go to bed." he said with an unapologetic laugh. Wow. I mean, I wanted that too, but I didn't want to seem too desperate.
"What kind of girl do you think I am? I don't fuck on the first date!" I said in fake offence. He threw his head back and laughed loudly. I stood from my chair and walked around to him, throwing my leg over him so I could straddle his lap. "Maybe you can persuade me though." I whispered in his ear before kissing his neck seductively.
"Well it's been three weeks, so at least it won't take long." he joked. I laughed loudly at his self-deprecation and way too honest answer. I loved the way he was so open about everything and wasn't afraid to just say what he thought.
"I really like you." I said to him, a little moment of honesty coming out before I even had a chance to realise what I was saying. "And not because of the sex." I added. "I mean, the sex is amazing, but I'd like you just as much even if it wasn't." I admitted. He laughed and shifted his eyes. "I really like you too. And I agree, the sex is kind of just like a fantastic bonus." he replied. There it was again; another moment where I could have easily have told him that I loved him... but of course, wasn't going to. Not this soon.

He stood up, picking me up with him and he carried me to the bedroom, dropping me down onto the bed as delicately as possible then landing beside me on the blankets. I had planned on getting into the sexiest lingerie I had, but as much as we'd joked about being obsessed with sex, I just wanted to cuddle with him and touch him... to take it slow and enjoy the fact that we actually didn't have to worry about flights or cars arriving the next morning for once. There was absolutely no rush for a change and it was a nice feeling. I rolled over and looked at him and I thought back to everything we'd done that day and it made me all warm and fuzzy. It was kind of weird since we'd been carrying on about sex all night and were seemingly so desperate to get to it, but now that we were in the bedroom, it's like everything just slowed and it wasn't like that anymore. I just laid there in his arms looking at him and kissing him and he stroked my hair. "You're incredibly cute, did you know that?" I said, again, my thoughts coming out of my mouth before I even had a chance to filter them. He smiled at the compliment and kissed me softly.

"So um, I've been thinking," he said gently, shuffling down a tiny bit so he was completely face to face with me. "I know it's a big thing to you and I know you've said certain things in the past, but... I was wondering if you would like to have me as your boyfriend?" he asked a little shyly. I just looked at him, I was kind of speechless. I wasn't expecting him to ask me that, but I felt a wave of fuzziness wash over me. "I know you're probably scared of the official-ness... I don't even know if you're supposed to ask to be a couple these days or if it's just kind of an unspoken thing, but I just really want to be yours." he said cautiously, like he wasn't exactly sure how to ask properly. My heart felt like it had burst, not just because of what he was asking, but by the way he was asking – not asking me to be his girlfriend but asking if I would take him as my boyfriend. It was like he was giving himself to me and it was endearing that he seemed kind of nervous too.

"I'll think about it." I replied with a straight face. I was fucking with him, but I couldn't hold my composure for more than two seconds... I felt bad seeing how much his expression changed when I hadn't said yes. "Oli, I'm just kidding!" I replied with a tiny laugh. "I would love to have you as my boyfriend." I said a little shyly, but with the biggest smile. The smile that appeared on his face at that moment was so bright that aliens probably would have seen it from the moon. "And I'm not scared to open up anymore, I trust you." I added. He made a funny little happy noise like he didn't even know how to respond with a word, then leaned in to kiss my lips.
"I promise I will always be here for you and make you happy." he whispered as he came in to kiss me again. "You already do." I replied. There it was again, another moment were I could easily tell him that I loved him. He smiled and kissed me again. "You make me really happy too." he said. "Best girlfriend ever!" he quipped suddenly, probably trying to make the moment slightly less intense – which was probably a good thing or else I may have let the 'L' word slip past my lips.
"How can I be the best when I've literally been your girlfriend for about half a minute!?" I asked in amusement.
"You just can." he laughed. I propped myself up and leaned down to kiss him deeply, letting our tongues meet and letting things become a little more than the PG rating they'd had all night.
"I can't believe I'm your girlfriend!" I said as I sat back up.
"I can't believe you are either!" he said with a laugh. "I hit the jackpot" he then chuckled.
"I'm going to earn that best girlfriend ever title, just you wait and see." I said with a cheeky, sexy grin. He laughed at me with a huge smile and I kissed him again, even more desperately. Honestly, my body was on fire and I was ready for what came next. He put his arms around me and kind of rolled us both over so that he was on top of me and I automatically opened my legs. He kissed at my neck and I ran my hands through his hair as the weight of his body pressed into mine. "And now, the part of the night we've both been thinking about all day." he said with a smile between kisses to my neck and cheek. I laughed at the comment. He was so cheeky. I was ready though, desperate even.

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