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After lots of touching, kissing and post-sex canoodling, he stepped away, turned off the water and grabbed the body wash. He squirted it into his hands and started lathering it in up before rubbing it over his chest and down his arms before grabbing more and doing the same thing, this time rubbing it all over my body. It was kind of weird that he was essentially washing me, but it was actually romantic in a funny way and I giggled as he started humming as he ran his soapy hands all over me. I started doing the same to him and I couldn't help but let out little laughs, I thought it was kind of hilarious. I gave him a soap beard and we exchanged slippery, soapy hugs before he turned the water back on and we washed off; with me still giggling at the whole thing. He was so cute and I loved that we could go from such a full-on, intense sexual experience right into this playful and carefree moment. He jumped out of the shower and held a towel out for me to wrap up into; his arms going around my body with the towel then just holding me for a moment. I just looked at him as I stood there thinking he was utterly adorable as he did these things with me. He shook his hair through a towel quickly, then wrapped it around his waist and tucked it in and I can't tell you how good he looked in towel with his tattoos emerging from it all the way up to his neck and down his arms. "You look so good in a towel." I said coyly.
"You look better without yours." he replied cheekily and oh-so quickly. I laughed at his wit and he held out his hand to take me out of the bathroom. It was so funny how he was being tonight and I had never found him so sexy as I did right now. I took his hand but kept my feet planted firmly on the tiles which seemed to confuse him. "Kiss me." I demanded as he went to walk out of the room. He looked at me a little surprised but broke into a smile as he stepped back and kissed me passionately. I swear, I could not get enough of him.

Back in my bedroom, I stood at my dresser and I couldn't stop looking at Oli's tattooed body. "I would love to hear about all of your tattoos one day." I said as I admired them.
"Well, there's not too much story behind most of them, but I can tell you where I got them done and stuff." he said like they were nothing special. "Maybe you can come with me when I get my next one." he said. "You don't have any, do you?" he asked before I could say anything. I stuck out my bottom lip and shook my head... I always wondered if he found me less attractive because I didn't have any. "Arhhh..." he sounded and came toward me. "You're so innocent and untainted. It's so sexy." he laughed cheekily as he wrapped his arms around me. "Have you ever seen someone get one?" he asked curiously. I shook my head again. "Well I'll get my next one when you can come hold my hand for moral support." he said sticking out his tongue.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure you need someone to hold your hand." I laughed, raising my eyebrows, motioning toward his tattooed-covered torso right in front of my face.

I towelled off and slipped into practical yet sexy silk pyjamas; quickly blow-drying some of the wetness out of my hair while Oli pulled on his pyjama pants and shook his hair through his towel again. He returned the towels to the bathroom then laid down on the bed and checked his phone. My hair was dry enough by that point, so I joined him and cuddled up beside him. I was finally getting the together time I had left the party for – although the together time we'd had in the bathroom was definitely good too! He held his phone above us and flicked the camera around so he could take a photo of us. "Don't worry, it's just for me." he said like he thought I might worry. I wouldn't. I knew he would never share it anywhere, so I smiled, then kissed his lips and then I licked his face while he pretended to be grossed out. We both laughed but it was seriously cute even we were being weird as hell. I think it was actually the first time he'd taken a photo of us together. He put his phone down and I put my arm around him, rested my head on his chest and let out a huge sigh. "What's up?" he asked.
"I just don't want to fall asleep because when I wake up, you have to go." I admitted as I glanced at his face. I realised the gravity of what I'd just said as soon as I said it. "Awwhhh." he sounded. "I don't want to go either, but at least we know when we can see each other again this time." he said, trying to make me feel better.
"I know. I'm just going to miss you. That's all." I said. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. I shifted myself up so that I was right in front of him and he turned so we were laying there face to face, but I didn't say anything, I just stared at him. It was kind of weird that it wasn't awkward, but it wasn't. "What are you thinking?" I asked quietly as I watched the cogs turning in his mind; I could tell he was deep in thought about something and I hoped he'd open up a bit. He paused for a while but then he grinned warmly. "Just thinking about how much I like you." he finally admitted. I couldn't help a smile from forming on my face as well. I leaned in and kissed him gently then went back to just staring into his eyes. "I'm sorry it took me so long to realise that I like you." I said, actually admitting for the first time that I liked him too.
"It's OK." he said with a smile. "I would have waited as long as you needed." he said. It was sweet, but also a little cheeky. "Oh so you were confident that I'd fall for you eventually, huh?" I joked.
"Well I hoped so." he said with a goofy smile. God he was adorable. He absolutely killed me in the most wonderful way when he said stuff like that. I leaned in and kissed him gently again. "You're so sweet." I whispered against his lips.
"Don't tell anyone." he whispered back. "They all think I'm a cunt." he added. I laughed a little louder at the comment – way to ruin a romantic moment.

I couldn't believe how easily and quickly Oli had broken down my walls. A week ago, I was apprehensive about hanging out with him - I almost didn't even want to, and now six days later, I was so open with him. I don't think I'd ever been so close, honest or emotionally engaged with anybody in my entire life and I didn't even find it intimidating or uncomfortable. In a way it kind of scared me how easy everything felt with him, but for the first time since we met, I didn't feel like I was sabotaging myself; it was like that little demon in my head that used to always tell me not to let anyone get too close had just gone on vacation or something. "You scare me, Oli." I said softly without thinking. "What? Why do I scare you?" he asked, seeming a little taken back. I closed my eyes and shook my head against the pillow. I couldn't say what I was thinking... I was scared because I knew I was falling in love with him, but I definitely wasn't about to admit it to him, not yet anyway. "You just do." I answered, shaking my head again, but smiling.
"Because I'm the man of your dreams?" he questioned with a laugh and that beautiful, big smile of his. His happiness was infectious and I laughed back. "Maybe." I replied like I was thinking about it. He squeezed me tighter and kissed the tip of my nose. This whole day had almost felt too good to be true. "Well, we should probably get to sleep so you can dream about me..." Oli said cheekily as he released his squeeze a little. "And on a serious note, I don't want to have to rush off like last time!" he added as he picked up his phone and set an alarm. I nodded in agreeance - he had a good point.

I wriggled down under the blankets as Oli went to turn off the lights and I waited for him to come back. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me from behind as he cuddled me, ready to surrender to sleep. "Have you ever actually dreamed about me?" he asked through the darkness. I giggled at the question. "A few times, but nothing crazy or scary. I think you've just been in them." I replied. "Have you ever dreamed about me?" I asked curiously. He chuckled and made a noise like he was embarrassed but didn't say anything. I turned my head back toward him, even though it was too dark for me to actually see him. "Is that a yes?" I asked cheekily. He just laughed again.
"Let's just say that maybe you're the girl of my dreams too." he replied.
Well played, Oli. Well played.

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