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I woke up at 8am and Oli was beside me on the bed, on the other side of our pillow barrier. We'd cleared everything up last night and after I had a bit of an embarrassing break down in front of him, we ended up on the bed talking. I explained things from my past and I guess speaking about my controlling and jealous ex boyfriend made it a little easier for him to understand why I was so worried about him being mad at me, or reacting in a terrible way. I think he felt sorry for me to be honest. We ended up watching some ridiculous and terrible comedy to lighten the mood, though I fell asleep long before it ended. I guess somehow he understood the way I was and why I worried so much, and he didn't judge me too much for it. So much for me thinking he would be a heartless asshole and kick me out.

"Hey." he said as I stretched my arms up into the air after waking. I looked over at him and his crazy bed hair and grinned. His hair always seemed to be super fluffy in the morning and sticking out in every direction. "Are you laughing at my hair?" he asked. I nodded and he proceeded to try and brush it down. I sat up and tied my hair in a bun and looked over at him again. "Thanks for letting me hang out these past few days." I said. "It was nice to not be alone for a while." I added with a smile. He smiled too and broke down the pillow barrier, beckoning me over to his side of the bed. I turned sideways and laid back, putting my head on his stomach like it was a pillow. "I'm happy that you had fun with us." he said. "And I think I speak for everyone when I say we have really enjoyed your company." he added.
"I loved hanging out so much." I said with my eyes closed. "And Thanks for taking me to see Skrillex, though some prior warning would have been good." I said with a laugh.
"I'm stoked you got to DJ with him." he added. "I had nothing to do with that by the way." he said. I wasn't sure if I believed him. I rolled over and looked at him. Oh, and I know what you're thinking... after everything that I thought yesterday and all of my whinging and stressing, this closeness seems weird, but last night Oli and I had talked, and he had reassured me that everything was fine, that he knew where he stood, and that he didn't want things to be weird... so I felt OK with it. "My apartment is going to be so quiet and boring." I said.
"Well you can come visit me any time." he replied. "I've got three spare bedrooms so you won't even have to deal with the pillow barrier again." he added. I laughed and sat back up. "And you can meet my dogs!" he quipped, obviously excited that he would be reuniting with his furry friends later that day. "I would love that." I replied. I wriggled away and climbed off my side of the bed feeling more like myself again. I felt like things were good between us again after we'd talked too. Thank god.

"Ummmm..." Oli sounded loudly staring at his phone. "Have you looked at your phone?" he asked. "No, why?" I asked, reaching over for it. As I unlocked my phone I had a few messages and the usual app logos signalling notifications, but it was no big deal. I looked over at him inquisitively, having no idea what he was on about. "Check your Instagram." he said with a puzzled look. I clicked the app and then clicked on the notifications. 

'Skrillex tagged you in a post'. 

"What the hell?" I said out loud. I clicked the link and saw the video he had taken of me on his decks the other night and I started laughing. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed. This was completely insane. I clicked on my profile and my jaw dropped when I saw the number of followers I now had. I'd gone from around 45k to 90k just like that. I put my hand over my mouth and looked at Oli, literally feeling like I could cry. "Someone's popular!" he said, looking back at his phone.
"You have no idea what this means." I said. Oli looked at me in amusement.
"It's just Instagram... but yeah, I guess it's pretty cool." he said.
"No, seriously. You don't understand what this does for my career." I replied. "The more followers you have, the more companies will look at you. 100k is the unspoken number in the modelling world when you start actually getting noticed, and he just propelled me within reach of it!" I exclaimed.
"Oh really?" Oli now asked.
"Yes! My God. He just helped me out so much!" I said happily. "I'm going to send him a DM." I said laughing at myself. I was behaving like a fan girl, but honestly, it could really help me land work, so I was really appreciative. "Well..." Oli said, "I don't have the same pull Skrillex has, but I'll post some of those photos Tom took yesterday. Maybe it will get you over the line." he added. I fell back on the bed, rolled over and hugged him, and he just laughed. "Alright instawhore, get off me." he said with a laugh after I smothered him for a moment. I couldn't believe how different today already felt versus yesterday. "You know, you should have told me you needed followers. I could have been helping you this whole time." Oli said as he stood up.
"It's just Instagram." I said sarcastically. He laughed at my cheekiness.

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