Chapter 3: This is Me

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Earth, Jan. 11th 2017 @12:31 PM. By the second, his ears buzzed out Amber's words, almost like they didn't want to hear anymore. A light ringing was present, but it didn't bother him, not as much as the aggressive turning of his stomach.

"Wh-What...?" Genji's voice cracked from the looming pressure hanging over his head.

Then, it happened again. But this pain was far worse. He'd rather be dead than feeling this sensation again.

He remembered that moment all too well. Her wicked smile, her cold touch, and the madness that consumed him. All he could do was scream.

"Genji? What's going on? Talk to us."

"You think this was totally called for?! Telling him he's a mass murderer?!"

"That's the harsh truth of his reality that he needs to come to terms with. At the very least it wasn't genocide."

"T-the hell are you putting in my head?! I'm not a murderer! I don't know much, but I'm not a killer!"

"You're absolutely right, you aren't. If anything, I'm the one to blame. In my weakened state, I couldn't do anything but teleport you to some random location in the world. From how far the waves went, you were likely in the heart of Bolivia. If I was stronger I could have put you deep in the ocean or something...but in the end..."

"So, it's all your fault! Did you mess with my memories as well?!"

"N-No, I think your sin might have caused it. I have no way to prove it, but I believe it."

"What can you prove?! 'Cuz all you've done is mess with me!"

"Genji...I'm sorry."

He grunted and stood up, "whatever. Just stay away from me..." he said before walking off to the front entrance.

"Where are you going?! Get back here!"

"No, it's fine, Alyssa. He just needs time to himself."

With the door shutting behind him, he left behind 2 of the 4 girls he cared for.

Earth, Jan. 11th 2017 @5:11 PM. Returning to the city, he sat at the ledge of a building. Countless people passed by and saw a kid dangerously close to falling and tried persuading him away from the ledge, but Genji wasn't listening. All outside stimuli were blocked from his head.

What was with that girl? What gives her the right to tell me who I am?

He glided his fingers against the grainy textures of the ledge, swinging his feet up and down.

Whatever, if I hardly know myself, then how could she? It was some bad attempt at making me feel bad. Just stay away from them and you'll be good...yeah, he rose up from his spot, enjoying the soft breeze passing by. He stared at the yellow-reddish sky with hints of blue and purple. I don't need anybody, I'll live my life worry-free! She can find someone else to blame for South America, 'cuz it wasn't m-

A sudden rumble from the ground took him by surprise, it nearly took him off the rooftop.

People were immediately thrown into a frenzy and ran as best as they could, but most ended up injuring themselves.

What's going on?!

He backed up from the ledge to keep himself from falling and dropped to his knees. Everyone's first thought was an earthquake, but it was getting more intense by the second, almost like the ground would rupture soon.

And at the peak of the vibrations, where surrounding buildings crumbled and the debris smashed any objects below, came the source of it all.

A colossal, armored beast shot out from the ground. More buildings crumbled once it landed.

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