Chapter 8: Wishing Well

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Earth, Feb. 10th 2017 @4:27 PM. A week later and life was going by smoothly. Alyssa decided to spend her day after school shopping at the mall.

"Sheesh, Alyssa, are your arms getting tired yet?" Her friend, Ruby, asked.

"As long as there's shopping to do, I never get tired!"

"Righht. I wish I had your type of money. I'd go on a spending spree too." She sighed.

"I've offered to buy you stuff, haven't I?"

"I know, I know. But that's your money. And besides, I don't like being indebted to people."

"No worries, I wouldn't let you pay me back anyway."

"Ah, but that's the thing. My parents raised me with the principle of giving what is owed. So not paying you back would linger in my head and come to haunt me when we hang out."

"Man, you're a wreck."

"Tell me about it," She giggled, "anyway, enough about money, let's get into a more serious topic."

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"What should I get for my boyfriend? Our one-month anniversary is coming up and I'm not sure if I should buy him something or make something for him."

"Hmph, being there should be enough of a gift for him if you ask me."

"I wish I had your confidence...Have you maybe thought about using it to, like, get a B.F yourself?"

"A B.F?" Alyssa mumbled to herself. She thought about it, and a face did come to mind for a brief moment. Even though she didn't know why he appeared, her face did reddened a bit, "n-no! Besides, I'm into girls."

"You are? Wow, I had no clue. Wish you told me before."

"Yeah, but it's whatever. Let's go and sit down for a bit." Alyssa said, pointing at the table in front of her.

"So you are tired?"

"No! I just, uh, need a moment to collect myself."

They took their seats, which were by the fountain. Dozens of coins sparkled in the well, and she gazed upon their glimmering beauty.

"I wonder..." Alyssa leaned over and took a penny from the fountain.

"Hey! Isn't that, like, stealing?"

Alyssa stared blankly at the pen, and moments after, she flipped it back inside the fountain.

"Huh, did you make a wish?"

"I sure did, though now that I think about it, I can just grant my own. I am a genie after all." Alyssa said, leaning back into her chair with a confident smirk.

"Is that so..."

"Yeah, what, you don't believe me?"

"Well, I can't really say superpowers don't exist...but I doubt it."

A brief moment went by and Ruby's phone buzzed. At the same time, Alyssa's went off as well, but both received two different notifications.

"Hm? Holy crap, you seeing this too?"

"Seeing...what exactly?" Alyssa asked, slowly coming to a panic as she read the text message. Come home immediately. We have to discuss a plan. Amber's text read out.

"Looks like there's been a big string of robberies happening in New Jersey, ranging from food and money to...bagged crickets and mealworms? What's up with that?"

"Who knows, but I gotta dip. You mind taking my stuff back to your place and I'll swing by later to get it, thanks!"

"Huh?" Ruby watched as Alyssa shot up from her chair and ran from the nearest exit, "what?! Where are you going?!" Ruby shouted at the fleeing Alyssa, who ran her way up the escalator, "where is she going? I was the one who drove us here." She mumbled to herself. For a little while longer, she sat there, puzzled. 

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