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Three weeks later -

Kimberly stretched her body out before making her way to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. Afterwards she pulled on her silk robe and made her way to the kitchen. She hummed quietly to herself as she fixed her some coffee. As she waited she looked out at the beautiful scenery. They had moved to Sicily in two weeks time as Tristan had said. He had brought them an already furnished home. Three bedrooms three bathrooms. It sat on some land of its own and had a pool it was wonderful. Different from Kimberly's city life but not really a country lifestyle either. Emma and Demarcus had their own place not too far. Mario and Francesca decided to move into their old home. They did some renovations to it giving it a more modern look. Their home was very large, Tristan had told her meetings often took place in a Dons childhood home since they were larger and had the qualities of a meeting spot. Sasha, Ava, and Morgan too came. Each having an apartment in town. Kimberly loved the town everything was really walking distance.
Kimberly grabbed her fresh cup of coffee, adding her creamer and sugar before she walked outside finding Tristan by the pool as he did every morning.
"Morning." Kimberly said as she approached.
Tristan looked up to her. "Morning, bello." (Beautiful)
Kimberly sat beside him and gave him a kiss. "I see you're doing your usual."
Tristan cracked a smile. "Yea, I didn't realize how much I missed Sicily."
Kimberly smiled. "It is very nice here."
"Today I'm going to take you around town. Let you see the good side of me. Instead of just the bad." Tristan promised.
"I wouldn't say it's a bad side, Tristan." Kimberly leaned on him. "Half of the time I don't think of you as a Mafia man. I see just a straight business man."
Tristan rapped his arm around her. "That's one of the reasons I fell in love with you. You don't look at me like a monster or a mobster. You treat me like I'm just an average person despite what my family has given me to deal with." He kissed her head.
"Who am I to judge?" She said softly. "I love you for you."
Tristan ran his hand up and down her arm.

Time skip -

"So we are in Pale-" Kimberly struggled.
"Palermo." Tristan chuckled.
"Palermo." She nodded. "You grew up here?"
"Yes. My family has ties with about just every shop in this city." Tristan said.
"Hm." Kimberly said. "So I guess it is a plus to be born into this family."
"Ehh. Somewhat." Tristan said.
Kimberly looked around to find people were eyeing them. Some curious others weary. It was eerie for Kimberly. She felt they were judging her.
"Come." Tristan said holding open a door for her. Kimberly walked in and recognized this to be a wedding planning shop. As well as as the wedding dresses and suits in the front.
Heels clacked against the hardwood floor and then a woman appeared. She was tall maybe 5'7, with fair skin and heavy freckles, her eyes almond shaped and she was thin not many curves but she walked with a lot of security. Her hair pulled back into a tight bun that made her features stand out more.
"Ah, Tristan. Ciao, ho sentito che eri in città, come stai?" She said pulling him into a small hug. (Ah , Tristan. Hello, I heard you were in town how are you.)
Tristan returned the hug. "Sto bene, Susan. Come stai vedo che le ristrutturazioni dei negozi sono andate bene." (I'm good, Susan. How are you I see the shops renovations went well.)
She nodded backing away.
"Questo è il mio fidanzato, Kimberly. Kimberly, questa è una delle mie buone amiche, Susan." Tristan said holding Kimberly by her waist. (This is my Fiancé, Kimberly. Kimberly this is one of my good child friends Susan.)
"Ciao come stai." Kimberly held her hand out which Susan shook with a warm embrace. (Hi, how are you)
"Sono meraviglioso. Sei americano?" Susan asked a smile on her face. (I'm wonderful. You are American)
"Yea." Kimberly said.
"Thank you I've been dying to speak American did so long but everyone here knows mostly Italian." Susan laughed.
Kimberly exhaled. "Yes speaking a second language is very hard."
"But you are almost fluent, I didn't hear a flaw." Susan said.
"Thank you. You speak good American too." Kimberly said awkwardly which caused the two to laugh.
"Ladies ladies. You two will have plenty time to speak of the two languages Hmm" Tristan said.
"Yes. What brings you in today."
"We need a wedding planner and what better planner than you." Tristan said.
"Awww stop. You say it like I'm the best." Susan waved him off.
"You're better than Mrs. Alnica." Tristan said making Susan laugh. She led them to a room that had only couches. They sat down and she pulled out a notebook.
"Ok, so first let's start with the basis how did you to meet, how he pursued you , how did he propose? Uh what made you want to marry her? Those time of things." Susan smiled crossing her legs.
Kimberly looked at Tristan shyly before she began to speak.

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