Half a heart

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Stfu I couldn't find a title

Guys I promise I've never Been in a relationship this is like based off on other events like help I sound heartbroken af but like I've never even hugged a person I like romantically lmao

"You left and took a piece of me with you
It was so unexpected
I'm clueless, I don't know what to do
Thought I could handle it, thought it won't be that bad
Well, I was proved wrong, now I cant find it in myself to be strong
As you walked out the door, I felt something shatter
You never answered me as I kept asking, "What's the matter?"

My heart was served to the dark forces on a silver platter
They burnt it down to crust, and then the ashes were scattered

It feels like i was stabbled, and you twisted the knife
Then pulled it out of my chest and left me to die
I'm down on my knees, unable to see
Through the haze of tears, the knife now feels like a spear
All day, everyday, I feel like a corpse
the pain, now, is a thousand times worse
The most beautiful part of me left me for her fears
Baby, you should know
I'm half a heart without you here

"Just tell me what I did wrong!"
"We can work through this."
"Baby, please don't leave."
Those were all the words I said,
With tones of reassurance
But the effort was useless
Cause you walked away that night,
You gave into your fears
Left me on the floor to bleed,
In agony and in tears

My heart was served to the dark forces on a silver platter
They burnt it down to crust and then the ashes were scattered

It feels like i was stabbled, and you twisted the knife
Then pulled it out of my chest and left me to die
I'm down on my knees, unable to see
Through the haze of tears, the knife now feels like a spear
All day, everyday, I feel like a corpse
the pain, now, is a thousand times worse
The most beautiful part of me left me for her fears
Baby, you should know
I'm half a heart without you here

Now i lie awake in the night, reminiscing 'bout all the times
you "accidentally" slept on the bed, on my side
Pain courses through my veins, looking at the empty bedside
Hate the moment when the realisation hits you like a tide
The smell of your perfume
still lingers in the sheets
I'm not ready to wash 'em right now don't think I'll ever be
Oh, look, my love, here are the unstoppable tears
Oh it feels like it's been a thousand years

It feels like i was stabbled, and you twisted the knife
Then pulled it out of my chest and left me to die
I'm down on my knees, unable to see
Through the haze of tears, the knife now feels like a spear
All day, everyday, I feel like a corpse
the pain, now, is a thousand times worse
The most beautiful part of me left me for her fears
Baby, you should know
I'm half a heart without you here

I'm half a heart without you here


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