u really are worth it, jaan.

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You deserve to have someone who will fight for you until their last breath,
You deserve to have someone who will save you, risking their own death
You deserve to have someone who will stare at you and wonder, 'Is she real?'
You deserve to have someone who will tell you they're proud of you, as you heal,
You deserve to have someone who will call you the most annoying nicknames because they make you pout, and that's adorable
You deserve to have someone who isn't scared of what they feel
You deserve to have someone who will hold your hands when they're shaking
You deserve to have someone who would hold you when your heart is breaking
You deserve to have someone who would kiss you in front of the entire world if they could
You deserve to have someone who would not think twice before doing anything because you said they should
You deserve to have someone who would stare fondly at you while you're sleeping
You deserve to have someone who wipes your eyes when you're weeping
You deserve to have someone who will make jokes about homophobic guys in your class being attracted to each other
You deserve to have someone who doesn't expect you to be their mother
You deserve to have someone be the "you" to  your "who?"
You deserve to have someone who'd walk barefoot in favour of lending you their shoes
You deserve to have someone be the one who helps you move on
You deserve to have someone who keeps their promises and isn't gone
You deserve to have someone to freak out to when Taylor Swift announces a tour
You deserve to have someone write songs about you
You deserve to have someone's every nerve ending scream: you're worth it because you are
And lastly,
You deserve to have someone who will take to to the shiv mandar on the 18th,
Toh chale mere yaar?

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