you don't notice

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always one sided; 

everything's unrequited,

 im clutching onto threads, which seem to have loose ends

im falling down a hollow path, 

oh it never seems to end 

im drifting high above

don't want to descend

but you dont notice, you never notice, at all.

im falling deeper with each passing day, 

this cant be love-im just a kid!

 its not possible...or is it?

 the face that makes me smile

 the eyes that make mine shine, 

the hands, oh how i want to hold them, caress them and memorise the lines

my desires might not be very few, 

but the strongest is for my dreams to come true

 i look forward to seeing you, 

every day every night.

weekends at home, turn into restless fights

with my own self,

heart as brittle as glass about to fall from a shelf

but you dont notice, you cant notice, because i hide it..oh so well

my friends wince at my swooning, all the daydreaming, 

but most of it is is reality..just a different version. 

one where i would make you laugh, 

one where you'd hold my hand, 

and our eyes will meet 

and we'll laugh again.

i hide it so much, cos its embarrassing-

letting yourself fall for a person 

who doesnt care about your existence.

but, its just a facade, 

loving can get hard, 

and i hate the fact that you dont notice, you never notice

baby, you wont notice at all.

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