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I think the next few days just might be her last
She's losing the battle, she's growing weaker by the second
She's running towards the blackhole, she's about to descend
She doesn't want to, but her body takes control,
She's almost there, but she tries to hold on to the past

Her last days are full of misery and sorrow
And the path she walks on is slippery and narrow
She notices her own little things, wishes someone would point them out,
Her head rests on her own shoulder, and she consoles herself to cry it out

She curls up in bed, tries to protect herself with the sheet
But the cold dark world eats and eats
She's getting pulled, up away into the hemisphere
She's scared, but she wants to go nearer

She looks at her mum, and wishes she'd notice
She looks at her dad, and she feels selfish
She looks at her grandpa, and she feels herself perish
She looks at grandma, and the world is inaudible

The guilt eats her up, but she's made up her mind
She wants to go up above, where everyone is more kind

So she sleeps in with her family, for one last time,
She blows them all a kiss, and destroys all evidence of her kind
She jerks awake, in the middle of the night,
She apologises to her sister, and vows to be by her side

She whispers an 'I love you' into the dark of the night,
And leaves a note, one last goodbye.

Glimpses Of Lil' Old Me Where stories live. Discover now