Fang and Fire

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"No no no no!" Wolf quickly ran over to Harmony and took the coin she was about to put in her mouth. "Harmony, this is not a chocolate coin." He told her. "Guys we gotta find a better place for this loot, now that Harmony is moving on her own and has started teething everything here is a dangerous choking hazard. We gotta clean this stuff off the floor."

"To where?" Piranha asked. "We don't have anymore empty rooms."

"We'll just divide it up and keep it in our rooms until she's old enough to know the difference." Snake suggested.

"Man you're a terrible role motel." Shark told him. "You're always eating junk."

"Watch it Jaws." Snake hissed before they started moving coins, diamonds, pearl and other treasures they've stolen into their rooms and made space for more of Harmony's things since they can't help but spoil her. The room will soon be full of the most fun toys they can steal.

Harmony watched as her family all started picking up everything they could into other rooms while Webs watched Harmony. "Harmony, come here, come to mama." Webs waved to her. Harmony crawled over but Webs was standing next to a huge chest that was full of real treasure making Harmony stare at it. "Aw you wanna help your dads clean up? Maybe we can find something small for you but..AH!!" Webs screamed as Harmony actually picked up the whole chest. "GUYS! GUYS!!"

The others quickly ran into the room and were just as shocked to see Harmony lift up a whole chest.

"What?! How is that possible?!" Snake yelled.

"Ay caramba!" Piranha shouted. "It took me years to get as strong as I am and she's only six months!"

Shark quickly ran over and took the chest from her before she dropped it on herself.

Wolf tried hard to keep his cool but the gears in his head was barely turning as he tried to figure out what the heck just happened.

Webs gasped as Harmony opened her mouth to let out a yawn. "Uh, guys.."

"What now?" Snake groaned not in the mood for another surprise.

"Her first tooth, it's a fang."

"What?" The others ran over and wolf gently moved Harmony's lips to see Harmony's first tooth wasn't indeed a fang.

"Wow, just like all of us!" Shark actually grinned at that.

"We adopted a super villain!" Piranha pumped his fists high in the air and did a small dance.

Wolf's sly grin slowly came back as he held their adopted daughter in his arms. "You're just full of surprises aren't ya sweetheart."

"I wonder how strong she is." Shark said.

"We'll test that out when she's much older." Wolf assured.

Shortly after that it was Snakes birthday and like always he was having a horrible time. Snake slithered into Harmony's room and held her. "Wish the others were like you today kiddo, clueless and can't talk."

"Snake come in here!" Wolf insisted from the kitchen.

Snake groaned knowing they were planning a surprise party. "Can't I'm busy with the baby!" Snake shouted back hoping her can buy some time.

"Bring her too!" Webs shouted.

Snake sighed knowing that if he didn't come out on his own the others would just drag him out so he slithered out with Harmony and just kept the same unamused face as everyone turned on the lights and yelled 'Surprise!'

"Gee, who's would have seen this one? The same thing you do every single year." Snake rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on Snake, enjoy this year. This is your first birthday as a father." Wolf said.

Snake just set Harmony in her highchair. "Harmony hasn't even had her first birthday yet, can't we focus more on that?" Snake asked.

"Just make a wish Mr. Grumpy pants." Webs said as she lit a match to light the candle.

Before they could start singing Happy Birthday Harmony made a small sound.

"Oh you wanna sing to?" Wolf asked her.

But instead Harmony just smiled at the flame in the candle and soon her whole body was on fire making all the bad guys scream.

Piranha tried to blow Harmony out like a candle but her fire is too strong.

"Do something before she burns the whole lair down!" Webs screamed.

Wolf backed into the kitchen sink and noticed the fire extinguisher next to the stove just incase one of them had a cooking disaster. Wolf quickly ran over with it and put out Harmony's fire.

Snake was staring wide eyed the whole time. The birthday cake on the floor, the room a mess from Shark running around in a panic and their daughter having a new power. "BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!"

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