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"Don't mind us, just robbing this place." Wolf said casually as the Bad Guys all walked into the store and ignored all the screaming people running out.

Shark uncovered Harmony from the blanket she was wrapped in and walked over to the baby stuff. "Oh man, baby stuff sure is expensive."

Wolf walked over and read the prices too. "Geez, you're right. Good thing we're not paying." The other Bad Guys all laughed as they grabbed karts and started getting what Harmony needs.

"Oh dibs on clothes!" Webs shouted before rushing to the outfits.

"Piranha and I will get the stuff for her room." Shark said excited.

Wolf headed over for the toys but saw Snake isn't next to him anymore. "Snake?"

Snake slithered around. "Man, all this food and no guinea pigs?" Then something caught his eyes. The cash registers. "Well hello." He laughed before he started emptying them all out.

"Oh this one." Webs was like a kid in a candy store as grabs multiple clothes and accessories. "And this one, this is so on trend, oh and this one!"

"Should we make the room pink?" Shark asked.

"Bro that's a stereotype." Piranha scold. "Shame on you."

"Hey come on you guys!" Wolf hurried over with a kart full of bottles, formula, toys and a carseat. "We only have much time before the police get here."

"Lets just grab random stuff." Shark suggested.

"Yeah, the surprise is most the fun!" Piranha agreed before they grabbed random paint cans, crib, bedding and curtains.

"A little help here!" Webs pointed to the huge pile of clothes she gathered before Shark scooped it all up and they all ran towards the exit to see Snake with bags full of cash.

"Paper or plastic guys?" Snake chuckled.

"Real funny pal." Wolf smirked. "But lets go. I can already hear the sirens." The Bad Guys just threw everything into the trunk, it was so full Shark had to sit on the trunk to close it.

"Good thing nothing made of glass was in there." Wolf said as he hurried to put the car seat in the back of his car.

Snake just got in the front seat while the others tried to figure out how to strap her in. When Webs had enough of the boys cluelessness she jumped over and strapped it herself. "It's not rocket science."

Wolf hurried to the drivers seat just before the cops could surround them.

When they got to the lair as always the teamwork paid off. Harmony's room was done in a short amount of time, it wasn't too full of stuff since they had to leave in a hurry but it had all the basics.

"Oh I never thought I could be so happy being a mother." Webs gushed as she looks at Harmony in one of the outfits she picked.

Snake rolled his eyes, sure he pitied the kid but being a parent wasn't something on his list of things he's ever wanted to do. He doesn't have the skills or the patients.

He went to his room which was next to Shark and Shark came out disguised as a pregnant woman.

"AH! What the heck are you doing?" Snake asked weirded out.

"To another store." Shark answered as he fixed his wig and fake belly. "We forgot to grab baby monitors."

Snake rolled his eyes and stayed in his room for a while reading the newspaper to see if he could find anything that mentioned the Bad Guys or if there's anything new in town worth stealing. When he got bored and decided to get a drink and watch the Food channel he hear singing coming from the new baby's room and saw Piranha standing on a chair next to the bassinet Harmony was laying in. Snake guessed Piranha was singing Spanish lullabies, he had to admit, for a newborn baby she didn't cry much.

After a show Wolf walked over with Harmony in his arms. "Snake, buddy, hold her for a few minutes." Wolf said.

"Why?" Snake asked.

"Cause I'm about to make her bottle and I'm not a pro yet so I need two hands." Wolf answered.

"Why not ask the others to do it?" Snake asked.

"Shark isn't back yet, Webs fell asleep and Piranha is in the tub." Wolf answered before gently laying Harmony in Snake's coils.

Snake groaned annoyed as Wolf went into the kitchen and decided he rather hold her while she's quiet instead of figuring out how to feed her. He looked down at her, she sure was tiny and he had to admit, very cute too. "Hmm, cute, the cuter something is, the more tasty they are. And nothing is more pure and innocent than a baby." Snake smelled her and to his surprise she lifted her hand up and touched the side of his face. Snake looked down at her, she felt so soft and she was so gentle, he didn't know it before but her hair was so warm and relaxing. Snake fixed his coils so he could be cradling her better and turned down the volume of the tv. Harmony weakly opened her eyes before closing them again but Snake saw those beautiful blue eyes, he can't remember the last time he felt so... Relaxed.

Wolf smiled nearby. "Looks like Harmony has a father." 

Daughter of Hades Raised by The Bad GuysWhere stories live. Discover now