Stupid News

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"Come one man, now you're gonna make me get all aggressive." Shark complained before he tackled Snake and the two started fighting with Webs and Piranha joining.

"Animals." Wolf chuckled not taking part of the fight as always. Harmony just stood back to make sure none of them got seriously hurt. "Lets see what they're saying about us today." Wolf said as he turned on the TV. "Guys guys stop it, we're on TV."

"Father stop biting Papa, and Papa, spit Papi out." Harmony rolled her eyes.

Snake stopped biting and Shark spit Piranha out of his mouth before the four of them joined Wolf at the TV while Harmony went over to the kitchen for a snack.

"They are the most diabolical criminals of all time." The news reporter said.

Harmony rolled her eyes as she grabbed some milk and cookies for herself. She didn't her family was that bad. The way she sees it they only take things because even if they did try to pay for stuff everyone would just scream and run away. It's not like they're killing people.

"Ooooo, Diabolical. That's new." Webs smiled.

"Know what it sounds like?" Shark asked.

"An insult." Harmony guessed.

"No a cologne, Diabolical." Shark said whispering the last word making the others laugh.

"Harmony come one, come watch with us." Wolf waved her over.

"You know how much I hate watching the news." Harmony mumbled. "Especially that reporter Tiffany who always wears those ugly purple suits."

"Yeah but they're news about us." Snake said before he wrapped his tail around her waist and dragged her over.

"Hey." Harmony yelped before Snake sat her down between himself and Wolf.

Just then the news showed the Governor of the city.

"Ok they're done talking about us, can I have my cookies know?" Harmony asked.

"The Governor is about to talk about us." Wolf shushed her making her groan.

"Yeah I hear you, I hear you." The Governor said. "Listen, listen, we all know how dastardly the Bad Guys are."

"You bet we are!" Wolf cheered.

"But more than anything, I feel sorry for them."


"Oh boy." Harmony sighed before the Governor continued.

"These so called Bad Guys are really just second rate hazbins behind they're armature high take this original capers. I mean really? Another bank? Is nothing but a default of anger..."

"I ain't angry! You're angry!" Piranha shouted outraged.


"Not True!" Webs crossed her arms.

"Self loathing."

"The only one I self loath is you." Snake said.

"And those are holes that no amount of cash or priceless artifacts can ever fill."

Harmony raised her brow while her family glared angerly at the TV. "Told you not to watch the news." Harmony mumbled. "What's on Game Show?"

"Who is she to judge us?" Wolf growled.

"And what could be more positive than the annual good Samaritan award? Where tomorrow night I will give the golden dolphin to this years goodest citizen. " The Govender continued.

"That's stupid." He what's going on? You got that twinkle in your eye."

Wolf got up and started walking to the window. "Guys, who's up for another job? A big one?" Wolf pulled up the blinds of the window to show a billboard of the golden dolphin.

"And that just so happens to be out our window?" Harmony mumbled.

"The Golden Dolphin. Seriously?" Snake asked.

"And I thought I was the crazy one." Piranha said.

"That job has broken the job of every criminal that's tried it. Bucharest Bandits, Lucky Jim, the Crimson Paw."

"Actually the Crimson Paw was never arrested." Webs pointed out.

"Yeah but he's never stole anything again." Snake replied.

"Must have been way before my time." Harmony said.

"Snake, what better way to wipe that smirk off that Govender's fuzzy face than stealing the golden dolphin from right under her whiskers?" Wolf said as he wrapped his arm around him. "This is the Holy Grail of thievery. If we pull this out we'll submit our legacy of the greatest criminals of of all time!"

"Whoa whoa buddy." Snake shook him off. "I thought we weren't suppose to make things personal. Besides we got a good thing going here. Friends, freedom, nailing parenting, and just look at this loot."

"And I would like to add this feels like a trap." Harmony added.

Wolf had a deadpan face at first before holding his paws up like he surrenders. "Alright, you're right forget it. The dolphin's jump is off."

"Good." Snake grinned.

"I guess the pig will get his reward after all." Wolf said as he scratched his chin.

"Yeah, I guess he will... What do you mean pig?"

"Oh yes, did I not mention that? That's weird, I thought I mentioned that uh.." Wolf opened up the other blinds again.

"Again, why is that outside our window." Harmony rolled her eyes.

"The good samaritan is..." Shark said.

"A guinea pig?" Webs finished.

"Oh no." Harmony groaned when she saw Snake's expression.

"What you say Snaky?" Wolf asked. "Better than cake."

"Don't give in father." Harmony nearly begged.

Snake looked between his best friend and his daughter before facepalming with his tail. "Ok fine, but he better be delicious."

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