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The bad guys almost made it out but Wolf stopped for a moment when he heard Professor Marmalade's speech.

"Being good just feels so good, and when you're good you're loved." Marmalade said.

Wolf then started to panic when his tail started to wag uncontrollably knocking his disguise off.

"It's the bad guys!" A man in the crowd shouted.

"ARREST THEM!" Chief screamed making the whole police crew surround the bad guys. "They stole the golden dolphin!"

"Come on you can't prove that." Wolf said smoothly.

Just after that the golden dolphin and a still unconscious Harmony fell out of Shark's dress. "MY BABY!" Shark screamed in a girly voice as he scooped them both up.

"On your knees bad guys! With your hands up!" Chief demanded.

"Never! We're out of here." Snake said as Wolf grabbed a grappling hook.

"So long suckers!" Wolf shouted as the bad guys all hung on to each other only for Wolf's pants to rip right off. "Well this just got a little weird."

Shortly after all the bad guys were being pulled into the police car except for Harmony who was put on a stretcher.

"NO!" Shark screamed when the police took her right out of his fins.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" Piranha demanded.

"Harmony! Wake up!" Webs begged.

"Where are you taking her?!" Snake panicked.

Wolf's eyes widened as his friends and daughter we not only gonna be taken but separated, but Wolf is such a fast thinker he quickly got out of the chief's hold and walked up to Diane and Professor Marmalade. "Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to congratulate the Governor here. I gotta say you really got us pegged. We're just a deep well of anger and self loathing..."

"Denial." Diane glared.

"Sure, that too."



"Emotional emptiness."

"So we're on the same page. Sadly we were never given a chance to be anything more than second-rate criminals. Wait I take that back, we did get a chance to raise a very special daughter, who by the way was left to die by her birth parents til we took her in. If only there was someone who could help the flower of goodness inside us blossom. Some icon on love and forgiveness like uh.. I don't know. Mother Teresa." Wolf said looking at Marmalade. "Best thing to do is to throw us in jail for the rest of our hopeless lives.."

"Yep. That's the plan." Chief said as she grabs Wolf and starts to throw him into the truck with the others.

"Wait." Marmalade stopped her.

"Beg your pardon?" Chief said.

"Mr. Wolf maybe a savage beast, basically walking garbage. Sorry I'm making a point."

"Do what you need to do pal." Wolf nodded.

"But how can we say they're hopeless if they've never been given a chance?" Marmalade asked. "What if we tried a little experiment Diane? As you know my gala for goodness, the hashtag charity event of the year is coming up. If I can prove to everyone at that gala that the bad guys have changed will you set them free and give them a clean start?"

"What?" Chief drops Wolf in shock. "Professor Marmalade nononono don't you see what he's doing? He's playing you."

"But it was my idea." Marmalade argued.

"It was his idea." Wolf smugly grinned at her.

"Only cause you made him have it!" Chief shouted. "Madam Governor you can't just let them go."

"Professor I'm not about to put the safety of the city on the line for an experiment." Diane said.

"Excuse me madam Governor." Wolf spoke up. "I seem to remember that a wise person once said 'even trash can be recycled into something beautiful.'"

Diane shook her head as he used her own words against her before nodded. "Ok, I'm game, but only because it's you Professor."

"NO!" Chief shouted.

"We'll hold on to the dolphin til the gala just to remove any unnecessary temptation."

"Of course, good thinking. That's why you're governor." Marmalade agreed. "Now that everyone's happy."

"Not happy." Chief snarled.

"I Rupert Marmalade the IV will turn the bad guys into the good guys!"

"I think these belong to you." Wolf tossed the handcuffs at the Chief. "And this belongs to me." Wolf said before picking up Harmony off the stretcher before jumping in the truck.

"Not everyone gets a second chance." Diane told him. "Make the most of it Mr. Poodleton."

"Wolf what are you doing?" Snake asked as soon as the doors were closed.

Wolf gently set Harmony into Snake's coils before he sat down.

"I'm sorry I thought it was obvious." Wolf said. "We're gonna go good."

"Uh you totally lost me." Webs said.

"I told him to stop drinking out of the toilet." Piranha said.

"Hey did you get hit in the head?" Shark asked Wolf. "My cousin got hit in the head with an anchor and after that he only swam in circles."

"Guys you're not following me. We're gonna pretend to go good." Wolf explained. "Just a few days with Marmalade and then we roll into the gala as good guys and roll out scot free with... "

"The golden dolphin." The others realized.

"You got it, since when do we not finish a job? The bad guys become the good guys so we can stay the bad guys."

"Bad guys acting good." Snake laughed with the others. "It's the ultimate bad guy thing, it's fantastic. Wolf you're a genius."

Harmony then started waking up. "What's so funny."

Wolf explained his plan to her but she still had a look of confusion on her face. "What's wrong princess? What part of the plan don't get."

"I understand the plan." Harmony told him.

"Then why the confused look?"

"Why aren't you wearing pants?" 

Daughter of Hades Raised by The Bad GuysWhere stories live. Discover now