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Demeter walks through the forest holding her newborn granddaughter/niece. The child's mother was her own daughter Persephone and the father was the family member she hated the most. Her brother Hades. How dare Hades use her daughter and create a deadly monster just like himself. Already this newborn had his flaming hair and eyes. She was beautiful but Demeter only saw a demon and she was going to put the demon where she believes they all belong. Hades didn't know he got Persephone pregnant because they divorced before Persephone herself even knew. Persephone believes her mother is taking her daughter to her father but Demeter had other plans. Before she could do anything more a car comes speeding through almost hitting Demeter making her drop the newborn and quickly blend in before the driver could see her.

The car stops and to her surprise a wolf comes out. Only he's wearing clothes and is acting like a full human. "Can't believe I let Piranha give me directions!" The wolf shouted before pulling out his phone from his pocket. The wolf was walking with a lot of swag and was dressed fancy as he leaned against his car. "Webs, can ya find my location and get me out of this forest? I almost scratched my car on a big ugly plant."

Demeter filled with rage, she wasn't as beautiful as most goddesses but she never saw herself as ugly.

Wolf was about to get back in his car only to stop when he hear crying. Wolf looked around him before he spotted a bright blue light in the tall grass. "What the?" Wolf walked closer and saw the baby crying, as if begging to be saved.

Wolf dropped to his knees and felt a pain in his heart. "Ok, I might be a bad guy but this... This is just heartless." Wolf carefully got his paws under her making sure to be careful of his claws and slowly lifted the baby up into his arms. He saw the blue light was actually her hair, it was beautiful to him and it wasn't burning hot, it was warm and comforting. "You poor helpless creature. Were you thrown away and abandoned because you were different?" Wolf actually felt he was going to tear up at the thought since he and his friends knew too well what that was like. "Don't you worry little one, you'll fit right in with my family and I swear, no one will ever hurt you again and we won't abandon you." Wolf climbed into his car and drove away leaving Demeter to eat his dust. He just hoped his friends would be on board.

"You what?!" Snake shouted when Wolf announced the new team member.

"Come on Snake, what was I suppose to do?" Wolf asked. "I know we're bad guys but we're not evil enough to let a baby die."

"Then drop it off somewhere else where it can be someone else problem. We don't need a baby, they're useless, it won't be able to help us with our missions or be of any use to us. All we're gonna get is sleepless nights and our ears blown off from all the crying and I'm sure the others are with me on this." Snake replied.

Wolf looked up to see Shark and Piranha just standing there frozen not sure what to do and Webs was typing away on her laptop, probably trying to find a report on missing babies or something. Wolf of course was a genius and knew how to get his other friends on board. "Hey Webs."

Webs looked over her laptop so just her eyes were visible as she looked at Wolf wondering what he wants.

Wolf just smirked and said in a song like voice. "It's a girl."

It was no secret that usually Webs didn't like that she was the only girl in the group and her expression changed to an almost hopeful grin. "Well I mean... if she really has no where to go..."

"You can't be serious!" Snake snapped at her. "So what if it's a girl, it can't do anything and we are not babysitters."

"He's right." Shark spoke up for the first time. "We're not babysitters."

"Thank you." Snake grinned.

"I'm a papa!" Shark happily shouted as he ran over to join Wolf.

"If you're the papa then I'm the papi!" Piranha ran over too smiling wide.

"You idiots! Can't you see that this brat is nothing but a.."

"Snake." Wolf stopped him. "Come see her."

"Why do I need to see her? All babies look the same."

"Not this one." Wolf said almost sadly as he removed the blanket so all of his friends can see her flaming blue hair. The others gasped and stared down at her in amazement.

"I, I've never seen anything like that." Shark said.

"It's beautiful." Webs said softly.

Snakes eyes widened as he stared as if he now understood why Wolf wanted this baby so bad, they all did. Now they all felt tears coming in their eyes, it doesn't matter how beautiful she is, she's different and those that are different get treated like monsters just like them. They were all having flashbacks on how they were treated growing up. People screaming at their faces even some going as far as trying to hurt them.

"Snake please." Wolf said after a moment of trips down painful memory lane. "She might not be able to do much now, but she clearly isn't human, if she has powers she can help us in the future and with the right training and love she could be the perfect bad guy."

Snake sighed. "I don't like it but I see your point and I trust you buddy."

"Raising a baby isn't easy guys." Webs said.

"No, but there's five of us." Piranha pointed out.

"And if we can steal thousands of pound in gold we can raise this special little girl." Wolf said with confidence.

"What should we name her?" Shark asked.

"Harmony." Wolf suddenly said. Everyone looked surprised, even Wolf himself.

"Harmony? Why?" Webs asked.

"I don't know, it just suddenly came out of my mouth." Wolf admitted looking very confused. "But you know what... I like it. It looks like it fits her and just because she's gonna be a bad guy doesn't mean we need to give her a cruel name."

"You know what, I like it too." Shark admitted. "It does seem fitting and I think this little girl is gonna be the harmony to us."

"Sap." Snake rolled his eyes.

"Harmony it is." Wolf smiled. "Welcome to the Bad Guys sweetheart."

Daughter of Hades Raised by The Bad GuysWhere stories live. Discover now