Ladies First

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Leilani Everdeen

My stomach was in my throat, my breathing was shallow, now was the time to choose the boy and girl who would fight to the death for our district. I just prayed it wasn't Katniss, Prim, I or Gale. "As usual ladies first." Effie said, walking over to the glass bowl with all our names in, I couldn't breath.

"Primrose Everdeen!" Effie said and there was silence, girls my age were staring over at me. "Where are you dear? Come on up. Well, come on up!" Effie said, my mouth was open in shock. "Prim!" Katniss and I suddenly shouted, I moved out of my line and to the middle of the road. "Prim!" I shouted and Prim looked at me, the shock still clear on her face. "I vol-" I went to say but Katniss shook her head. "No, you look after mom and Prim, Gale needs you too." Katniss whispered and I shook my head. "I volunteer!" Katniss shouted. "No, Katniss! I volunteer!" I cried and she shook her head. "I volunteer as tribute!"

"Katniss, no!" I cried but she shook her head. "I believe we have a volunteer." Effie said with a smile. "You two need to get out of here." Katniss said, I was holding Prim. "No!" Prim cried. "Go find mom!" Katniss said with her voice breaking. "Katniss!" I cried as Prim and I hugged our sister, someone's hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me to where the parents were. "G-Gale." I sobbed and wrapped my arms around him. "Gale, she can't." I whispered and he stroked my hair whilst my mother held Prim.

"In mad of turn of events here on District 12. District 12's very first volunteer. Big breath." Effie's voice sounded distant in my ear, my breathing was shallow and Gale's grip on me tightened. "Calm down, Lei." Gale's soft voice whispered in my ear. "What's your name?" Effie asked as I sniffled. "Katniss Everdeen." Katniss said solemnly and I looked up to Katniss. "Well, I bet my hat those were your sisters. Wasn't they?" Effie asked and Katniss had her eyes on us.

"Yes." Katniss said and I bit my lip. "Let's have a big hand for our very first volunteer, Katniss Everdeen." Effie said when someone pressed three fingers to their mouth and raised them into the air, we all followed to show respect to Katniss. "And now for the boys. Peeta Mellark." Effie said and a boy from Katniss's year joined her on the stage. "Here we are. Our Tributes from District 12. Well, come on you two. Shake hands. Happy Hunger Games. And be the odds be ever in your favor."

Gale, Mom, Prim and I walked to the justice building to go and see Katniss. "I'll wait here, whilst you say goodbye." Gale whispered and I nodded, my face felt swollen from all the crying I'd done. "You have three minutes." The Peacekeeper said before walking out of the room. "Katniss, you should've let me volunteer." I said hugging her tightly with Prim. "No, you need to stay here and look after Mom, Prim and Gale." Katniss said and I sighed. "If you two haven't got together by the time I'm back then you'll have me to answer too." Katniss said and I giggled softly, kissing her forehead.

"Prim, Prim, its okay." Katniss whispered as she cried. "Shh. Prim, I don't have much time. Prim, listen. You're gonna be okay. Don't take any extra food from them. It isn't worth putting in your name more times, okay? Listen, Prim. Lei and Gale will bring you game. you can sell cheese from your goat." Katniss said and Prim nodded with a sniffle. "Just try to win. Maybe you can." Prim cried and Katniss chuckled. "Maybe I can, I'm smart you know?" Katniss asked and I giggled through my tears. "You can hunt." Prim said and Katniss nodded. "Exactly."

Prim pulled out the Mockingjay pin and passed it to Katniss, my heart shattered. "To protect you." Prim said and I smiled warmly at my sister, pulling them both into another hug. "Thank you. You can't tune out again." Katniss said, turning to our mother. "I won't." Mother whispered. "No, you can't. Not like when dad died. I won't be there anymore. You're all they have." Katniss said and mother nodded. "No matter what you feel, you will be there for her. Do you understand?" Katniss asked when mother started to cry. "Don't cry." Katniss said, pulling her into a hug. "Don't cry. Don't."

"It's time." The Peacekeeper said when Prim started screaming. "It's okay. Prim, it's okay." I said taking her out. "No! No!" Prim screamed and I stroked her hair. "I promise Prim." Katniss said with her voice breaking. "C'mon Prim." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders, we headed home, the three of us crying.

Mum shut all the blinds and locked the door, I made tea and passed a cup to mum, she shakily picked it up and the cup rattled on the saucer. There was a knock on the door and I jumped in fright, I opened it and Gale was stood there with his mother Hazelle.

"Mum wanted to make tea." Gale said and I nodded as he held up a pheasant, my eyes widened in shock. "Thank you, Gale." I whispered and he nodded, before walking into the kitchen with his mum. "Leilani!" Posy said, running to me. "Hey Posy." I said, picking her up and placing her on my hip.

"Gale said you're pretty." Posy whispered in my ear making me giggle, Gale looked over at us. He narrowed his eyes at Posy who just smiled sweetly making Prim and I laugh. Hazelle cooked us a gorgeous stew with the pheasant Gale had caught and we eat it with crusty bread from the hob, I don't know what my life would be like now Katniss was in the games, I just had to keep everything normal for Prim's sake.

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