The Finale

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Leilani Everdeen

I woke up beside Gale, it was Sunday so his day off from the mines. I let him sleep and headed downstairs to find Hazelle prepping breakfast in the kitchen. "Do you need help?" I asked when I suddenly felt a wave of nausea overcome me, I fled to the bathroom and vomited into the toilet.

"Dear girl, are you okay?" Hazelle asked, coming in after me, I was vomiting bile which was burning my throat and nose. "C'mon dear, let's get you checked out by your mother." Hazelle said and I nodded, she wrapped my dressing gown around me as I hugged it to my body, the pair of us heading to my mothers house.

Hazelle knocked on the door and my mother answered. "Let me feel your tummy." Mother said and I laid on the kitchen table, Prim and my mother feeling my stomach. "You do know you're pregnant?" Mother asked and my mouth went dry, I swallowed hard. "N-no..." I croaked out and she nodded. "Yes dear, you are." Mother said and I let out a small whimper, Prim wrapped me in a hug. "Is the baby Gale's?" Hazelle asked and I nodded,

I bit my lip. "I'm sorry." I whispered before running out of the house, I reached the meadow and climbed through the fence, I ran to my spot by the lake and put my head in my hands. I didn't want to bring a baby up in a world like this, Gale and I had only done the deed once so I thought I was safe. Gale, I sighed and rubbed my face, I don't know how I was going to tell him. I don't think I could tell him.

Me and Gale would have to move out and get our own place and have to provide for three houses then. "What's up?" Gale's voice asked making me jump, he sat down beside me. "You're mother said you needed to tell me something?" Gale asked, I looked up at him, concern written across his face. I bit my lip and sighed, not knowing where to begin. "I'm pregnant." I blurted out, turning away from him. "What?" Gale asked, moving a strand of hair out of my face. "I'm. Pregnant." I said slowly, his lips parted in shock. "Oh Lei."

His arms wrapped around me and pressed a soft kiss to my head. "You're not mad?" I asked, looking up at him. "Mad, how could I be mad? I'm going to be a father!" Gale said, picking me up. "We're going to be parents!" Gale gushed, spinning me around. "B-but..." I whispered and he shook his head. "No, Lei, this will be amazing." Gale whispered, kissing my lips softly. "We'll make this work, I promise." Gale said and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Right, shall we hunt and then go the hob?" Gale asked and I nodded. "I wanted you to relax today, it's your only day off." I said and he rubbed my shoulder. "As long as I'm with you, that's all I need." Gale whispered, I smiled up at my boyfriend as he set to work on the snares, I grabbed my knives and went to find some turkeys and squirrels.

Once we'd got our haul we climbed through the electric barrier and headed to the hob. We got our usual haul before heading to my moms first. "I'm sorry for running off." I whispered and Mother eyed Gale. "I told him." I said and she nodded. "We're going to be parents!" Gale said, spinning my mother around who giggled. I rolled my eyes at Gale who smirked over at me making my heart swoon. "I'm going to be an auntie!" Prim gushed, hugging me tight.

We stayed with mother and Prim to watch the hunger games, Katniss, Peeta and Cato are the only tributes left. Foxface ate nightlock which killed her instantly and Thresh must've been killed by Cato, suddenly Katniss and Peeta were being chased by mutts, I clung to Gale's arm, frightened for my sisters life, they fled all the way to the Cornicopia, Cato pushed Katniss to the ground, and grabbed hold of Peeta, almost choking him. I clung to Gale's arm and buried my head in his chest, he wrapped his arms around me. The mutt's attacked Cato and Katniss shot him in the head. "Attention tributes, the earlier rule of two victors has been revoked."

"Oh no." I moaned and Gale kissed my forehead. "She'll be okay." Gale whispered and I bit my lip, she pulled out the nightlock, pouring some into Peeta's hands. "Together?" Katniss asked Peeta who nodded. "Together." Peeta said and my mouth dropped open, they raised the berries to their mouths. "Stop! STOP!" Ceaser Flickerman shouted and I looked at Gale, gripping his hand tightly. "Ladies and gentleman, may I present to you, the victors of the 74th annual hunger games!"

I hugged Gale tightly, Prim and my mother were crying. "She's coming home!" I gasped, clinging to Gale. He spun me around and around, burying his face into my neck. He pressed kisses along my jawline, both of us overwhelmed with happiness. I broke away from Gale, hugging my mother and Prim tightly, there was a knock on the door and Gale answered, it was Hazelle and the kids, they ran in and Posy automatically flung her arms around me.

"Katniss is coming home!" Posy squealed, I gripped her tightly and kissed her forehead. We ate a glorious meal that night, celebrating the coming home of Katniss and Peeta, feeling, for the first time in the 18 days Katniss had been in the arena.

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