You and Gale?

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Leilani Everdeen

Gale and Hazelle stayed for a few hours. "I'll go, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Gale asked and I nodded, he kissed my forehead and left with his mother and siblings. "Bye Leilani!" Posy shouted, giving me a wave, I smiled and waved goodbye to Gale's youngest sister before closing our door.

"You and Gale, huh?" Mother asked and I bit my lip with a smile. "I don't know if there is a me and Gale." I said and she smiled softly before making me a cup of tea, I sipped on the sweet drink slowly, savouring the taste before I went to bed. I was going to be training with mother to become a healer as I'd watched her do it growing up and that's what I wanted to do.

Prim had gone off to bed as she had school in the morning, I'd tidied round for mother as she'd also gone to bed, I heard Prim scream and ran into our room, she was sitting upright in bed and her chest was rising and falling. "Prim, shh, shh, it's okay." I said cupping her hair, rocking her softly. "K-Katniss," Prim gulped and I kissed her forehead. "I know, I know." I whispered knowing Katniss would be the one to usually calm her down as I hunted with Gale. "Can you sing the Meadow song?" Prim asked and I nodded. "Deep in the meadow, under the willow," I sung and Prim lay her head on my chest. "A bed of grass, a soft green pillow." I sung softly, kissing Prim's head. "Lay down your head, and close your eyes, and when they open, the sun will rise." I sung in a whisper, Prim had already gone back to sleep.

I kissed her forehead once more before getting up and putting on my hunting gear, I grabbed my bag of knives and headed out the door, before stroking Buttercup, Prim's bandy legged cat. I closed the front door quietly as I was 5am and didn't want to wake up mother and Prim, I made my way towards the edge of District 12, to the electric fence and listened, as usual, it was switched off.

I climbed through the gap and made my way to the woods, to meet Gale in our usual spot. He wasn't here yet so I sat down and watched the sunrise when I heard the sound of breaking sticks behind me, I jumped up and got a knife, ready to aim. "Hey, hey." Gale's voice rang through my ears. "Damn you, Gale!" I said loudly, clutching my heart. "You almost gave me a heart attack." I said and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Ready?" Gale asked holding up some snares, I nodded and we begun to work, Gale setting up the snares and me watching him work. "They're amazing." I said and Gale looked up at me. "You say that every time I do them." Gale said and I laughed. "Because they are amazing." I said and he chuckled. "You're amazing." Gale said and I blushed at his words, he snapped out of his trance and his cheeks turned rosy, suddenly realising what he'd said.

We hunted and caught six chickens, one rabbit and a hare. We bagged them all and went to the hob, I got some soup from Greasy Sea for a chicken. "You okay girl?" Greasy Sae asked, taking the chickens off me and I nodded. "You and him, huh?" She asked, nodding over at Gale, I watched him and smirked. "Me and Gale aren't together." I said and she raised her eyebrows, I chuckled and thanked her before walking off to get some crusty bread.

"See you tonight?" Gale asked and I nodded, he hugged me and kissed my forehead. I headed back home with the soup and bread. "Oh my goodness." Prim said, smelling the bread. "This has to last us a few days." I told Prim who chuckled, we had a chicken soup which was delicious, I dipped the bread in sparingly, savouring the goodness. The tribute parade was going to be airing tonight, I was wondering what Katniss was doing now.

Our bellies were full and bloated, I sat back in my chair and sighed, we'd had times were we were starving and other times where our bellies were full like this, I know which one I preferred. We cleaned around as Gale and his family were coming over to watch with us, mother and Hazelle were going to prepare dinner for the live shows.

It was 7pm and there was a knock on the door, it was was Gale, Hazelle and the kids. "Leilani!" Posy said, clinging to me, I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "She doesn't get that excited to see me." Gale said, looking offended, Hazelle smiled over at him, I helped my mother and Hazelle prepare dinner whilst Gale and Prim watched the kids. "Y'know, you and Gale?" Hazelle asked and I blushed, looking at her. "The amount of people who've said about me and Gale..." I said and she smiled. "I think you'd be good for him."

"I agree." Mother said and I rolled my eyes. "Not you too." I said and she laughed. "What you three whispering about?" Gale asked and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Nothing." I said, great, my voice came out high and squeaky, he raised his eyebrows and walked back into the living room where he'd switched the tv on in time for the tribute parade.

We had stew and rolls of bread again, Gale had gotten a cake from the bakers in town, I sat beside Gale with my bowl and watched the tv eagerly, to see Katniss. "Here they are. Here they are. This year's Tributes. It looks exciting. It just gives you goose bumps." Ceaser Flickerman said excitedly, I rolled my eyes, they were always so excited. "Don't you love how the stylists, they so clearly are able to reflect the character of each district? There's district 4! Yes, the fishing." Ceaser said and Claudius nodded, smiling like a maniac.

"I get it. I like it." Claudius said and Ceaser nodded. "And behind them we have two power plant workers, right? And then what is that in the background?" Ceaser asked and my mouth dropped open, Katniss and Peeta looked amazing, not like district 12 usually looked in the tribute parade, Peeta grabbed Katniss's hand and raised their entwined fingers in the air. "Now see that! I love that. Two young people, holding their hands up! Saying; "I'm proud, I'm from District 12. We will not be overlooked! I love that. People are sure to be paying attention to them right now."

The horse and carriages made their way towards President Snow. "Welcome. Welcome. Tributes. We welcome you. We salute the courage and your sacrifice. And we wish you happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor."

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