Here It's Safe

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Leilani Everdeen

"Mummy, can Leilani get me to sleep?" Posy asked, I smiled softly. "No dear, Leilani needs to help her own mother." Hazelle said and I looked at her. "I really don't mind." I said and Hazelle smiled. "Go on then." Hazelle said and Posy jumped on me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I'll be back soon." I said to mother who nodded as I'd left with Gale, Hazelle, Posy, Rory and Vick.

I tucked Posy in and kissed her forehead. "Can you sing?" Post asked and I nodded. "Deep in the meadow, under the willow..." I sung knowing it helped Prim sleep. "A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head and close your eyes, and when you wake the sun will rise." I sang, Posy was smiling sleepily at me so I continued. "Here it's safe, here it's warm. Here the daisies guard you from every harm, here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true, here is the place where I love you."

I looked down and Posy was asleep, her mouth parted open slightly, soft snores escaping her lips. "She likes you." I jumped at hearing Gale's voice, he chuckled. I stood up and walked over to him. "Anything to help your mother." I whispered and Gale's gaze lingered on mine. "Posy will want you to sing to her every night now." Gale said and I giggled quietly, his gaze lingered on mine and I felt my cheeks heat up.

His hand cupped my hair and pulled me closer, my breathing was shallow, I felt his breath hot on my lips, I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips to his, our lips moved in sync, our mouths moulding perfectly together, I wrapped my hands around his neck as his fell on my waist, he pulled my body closer to his if that was possible and depend the kiss as I ran my fingers through his hair, he pushed me up against the door frame and I gasped as my back hit the wood, he slid his tongue into my mouth and our tongues fought for dominance.

I pulled away, feeling breathless. "I-I better get going." I said with a stutter, he smirked at me before stepping aside and letting me through. "Thank you Lei." Hazelle said and I smiled at her fondly. "Not a problem, whatever helps." I said and she smiled wide at me. "See you tomorrow?" Hazelle asked and I nodded. "Thank you for everything." I said and she nodded her head, I said goodbye to Rory and Vick before turning to Gale who was stood in the doorway. "Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." Gale said with a nod, I smiled at him and left for my house. The crunching of leaves was heard from under my feet, I smiled at the sound and opened my front door, Buttercup rubbed himself along my legs, I fed him some of the leftover pheasant and he eat it from my fingers.

The scoring of the tributes was on tomorrow and I knew Katniss was good with a bow and arrow so she'd probably use that to impress the game makers. I wondered if she was scared right know, I know I would be. I prayed that she would be okay, my sister is strong and stubborn, she won't go down without a fight, I knew that for sure.

I lay next to my sister and stroked her hair, mother was fast asleep in her bed by the time I'd come in. Vale was starting work in the mines next week so I only had a few days left alone with him. I was starting work too, but helping my mother in our apothecary. We mainly tended to mining accidents from the workers or poorly mothers who'd just had a baby. Prim also wanted to follow in our footsteps.

I must've dozed off as when I woke up it was stills dark, my body clock always woke me up at around 5am before the sunrise as that's when Gale and I could sneak out into the fence. I met Gale hunting, both of us had lost our father in the mining explosion that happened years ago, I was thirteen when he died, as was Gale.

Mother went into a depressive episode and she didn't move. Katniss and I had to look after our sister Prim and take over as heads of the house, we'd go to school, hunt and get food to feed us. That's when we met Gale, we were hesitant of each other at first but then slowly grew to trust each other which developed into a friendship.

I climbed under the electric fence when I saw Gale walking into the woods, he turned around, he must've heard leaves rustling and smiled when he saw me. "You're up early." Gale said and I smiled at him. "I couldn't sleep." I said honestly and he moved a strand of hair out my face, his touch sent butterflies erupting in my stomach, I shivered. "Cold?" Gale asked, taking off his jacket. "N-no?" I stuttered as a question, he chuckled but placed his hunting jacket over me, I slipped it on, it was huge compared to my slim body. "Thanks." I whispered and he kissed my cheek.

"My mother was talking to me about you." Gale said and I looked up at him. "I-oh, yeah?" I asked, hoping it wasn't anything to do with what she was saying to me. "Yeah." Gale said softly and I blushed, his hand cupped my face and I stared up to meet his gaze. His lips met mine again, my hands cupped his cheeks as his found my waist, one of my hands ran through his hair. Our kiss become heated as he slid his tongue in my mouth, he pushed me up against a tree and I let out a moan, his hands trailed to my bum and rested them upon it, safe to say we didn't get up to much hunting today.

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