You and Alyx

115 3 0

Leilani Everdeen

Gale had started working in the mines, we were still together, Katniss was still alive, Gale didn't get home till after the games had finished so I told mother I'd move in to the Hawthorne's to help Hazelle with the kids, but I'd still bring her food.

I woke up and put my hunting gear on, missing going with Gale as he'd already set off for work. "I'm just going hunting," I said to Hazelle who nodded. "I'll be back." I said and she smiled, patting my shoulder. I made my way towards the edge of the forest, listening to the electric fence which was indeed closed off, I climbed through and headed into the woods.

I tied some snares for rabbits and hares, and find some squirrels which I hit in the eye every shot, in the end I'd caught two rabbits and six squirrels, I headed to the hob first and traded two  squirrels for some soup with Greasy Sae, saving some for the baker. I'd also gotten strawberries knowing the mayor likes them and he always pays well.

I next went to get some string and liquor for Gale, then I went to the bakers and waited till his wife was serving customers before heading to the back of the bakery and trading four squirrels for 3 loaves of bread. "Are you sure?" I asked the baker who nodded. "Here's some cookies too." He said, passing me the rich cookies which we'd never be able to afford.

"Thank you." I whispered and he nodded, walking back into the bakery. I headed home first to decide the food between my family and Gale's. "Mom?" I asked and she was washing the dishes. I passed her some soup and a loaf and a half of bread, and half of the string. "Thank you." Mom whispered and I hugged her tightly.

"How you finding living with Gale?" Mom asked and I smiled. "Great, he's working all the time though." I said and Mom smiled. "Hazelle's grateful for the help with Posy and the kids." I said and she smiled, Prim was in school. "I also got these off the baker." I said holding up the bag of cookies, mom's eyes widened.

I gave her half for Prim and then stood up. "I'll go and pass Hazelle hers." I said and she nodded, giving me a hug. "See you tonight." I said and Mom nodded, I left for Hazelle's and opened the door. "Lei!" Posy squealed, hugging me tightly. I placed the food and string on the table. "Thank you." Hazelle whispered, she was folding laundry which was her business so I kept Posy occupied whilst she worked.

The door opened with a tinkle, it was Gale. "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm going to bed." Gale said, his eyes dark, I looked over at Hazelle who sighed. Gale headed to our bedroom and I bit my lip. "Go and check on him." Hazelle said and I looked at her. "Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded. I kissed Posy's forehead before leaving the room to our bedroom. "Gale?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He was on his side, either ignoring me or really asleep. "Gale?" I whispered softly, nudging his side. "What?" Gale snapped and I looked at him. "What's wrong?" I asked, not liking his tone. "You and Alyx." Gale growled and I frowned. "Me and Alyx?" I asked and he sat up abruptly, looking at me. "You cheated on me with Alyx!" Gale shouted and I whimpered. "G-Gale, I haven't." I whispered and his eyes darkened.

"Delly saw you two." Gale snarled, I stared at him. "You're listening to Delly Cartwright? Really?" I asked and his head snapped up to meet mine. "Well then, if you listen to Delly Cartwright so much then why don't you date her." I snapped and stood up, leaving Gale alone. "Hazelle, I-I'm going home." I said, my voice breaking. "Dear, what's wrong?" Hazelle asked gently, I bit my lip. "G-Gale thinks I c-cheated on him with Alyx M-Mellark." I whispered and she hugged me tightly.

"I know you didn't, sweetie. Go home and I'll talk to him." Hazelle whispered and I nodded, she kissed my forehead and allowed me to leave. Mother and Prim hugged me. "Im staying here tonight, if that's ok?" I asked and mother nodded, she didn't question me and I was grateful for that.

She switched on the tv, I settled down to watch Katniss, she was allies with Rue, a little girl from district 11, I couldn't believe Katniss was still alive - district 12 tributes were normally dead by now. "She might stand a chance of coming home." I whispered, hugging Prim. We watched her and Rue blow up the supplies the tributes from 1 and 2 had stocked up at the Cornicopia, that was really clever.

Katniss whistled to the Mockingjay's to Rue but had no response, my heart beat as Katniss ran through the woods to find Rue, she was tied up in a net screaming Katniss's name. The boy from district 1 threw a spear and got Rue in the chest, I gasped and Katniss shot the boy with an arrow, making him fall to the ground, a tear escaped my eye as Rue pulled out of her chest, I hugged Prim tight.

Katniss sing to Rue till she closed her eyes, the canon went off signalling she was dead, I let out a little sob as Katniss lay flowers around Rue's dead body, she pressed her three fingers to her mouth and raised them in the air to the camera, saying goodbye to an old friend and showing respect to Rue's district.

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