You're Brothers Scum

113 3 1

Contains scenes of sexual activity

Leilani Everdeen

50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45,

My stomach was in my throat hearing the numbers counting down, my grip on Gale's hand tightened as Katniss arose from below into the arena. She got ready to run, I just hope it wasn't towards the Cornicopia.

6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,

The cannon fired making me jump, Gale's arm found my shoulders and pulled me close, Katniss ran towards a backpack when Clove, the girl from two threw a knife straight at my sister, I screamed but luckily Katniss had blocked her with her backpack, my sister got up and sprinted into the forest where she fell down the grass verge.

I buried my face in Gale's arm, his hand cupped my hair and rubbed soothing circles on it, I peeked at the tv and Fox Face - the girl from district 5 and Katniss come head to head, I let out a whimper but Katniss scared her off and they both ran in the opposite direction. Katniss found a tree and climbed to the top, tying herself with a rope so she didn't fall.

"And of course, there's the familiar boom of the cannon. Which marks the end of another fallen Tribute. Well, that makes 13 gone in the first eight hours." Ceaser said who was commentating with Claudius, I grasped Gale's hand tight when I saw Peeta walking with the careers. "And Claudius, I think I see an alliance forming." Ceaser said and I frowned.

"Hey, loverboy!" Clove sung towards Peeta, Katniss didn't look too happy about this alliance. "You sure she went this way?" Cato asked and Peeta nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure." Peeta said and my fist clenched. "You better be." Cato said and I stood up. "That little!" I growled before walking out of the Hawthorne house in search of the bakery. "You're brothers a piece of scum!" I shouted at Alyx, grabbing his collars and pushing him against the wall. "I'm sorry Lei, I'm just as shocked as you are." Alyx said and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure."

Gale come into the bakery panting. "Lei, Lei, come on." Gale said soothingly, pulling me off Alyx. "If you're bother comes out of this alive, he's dead." I snarled, slamming the door of the bakery behind me. Gale pulled me into a tight hug as I sobbed in his chest, Gale was the only person to ever see me cry. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. "I mean when I say, he's dead meat." I snarled and Gale stroked my hair.

"You can't go picking fights Lei, if the mayor finds out-" Gale said but I rolled my eyes. "Alyx won't say anything." I said and Gale bit his lip. "I'll kill Peeta when I see him too." Gale said and I looked at him, I pulled him in to meet my lips, his hands found my waist and I cupped his face, he pulled me closer and depend the kiss by running his tongue across my bottom lip. "Shall w-we go back?" Gale asked and I nodded, he held out his hand which I gladly took and we walked back to the Hawthorne's.

"Is Katniss still alive?" I asked my mother, the tv was now switched off and she nodded. "I went to give the Mellark's a piece of my mind." I said and mothers eyes widened. "I told him if Peeta gets out alive, he's dead." I said and mother bit her lip. "Do you want to stay here tonight, dear?" Hazelle asked and I looked over at Gale who shrugged, saying it was up to me. "If that's okay, Hazelle. Gale goes off to work soon and want-" I said and Hazelle smiled. "I know, you want to spend as much time together as possible." Hazelle said and I chuckled.

I hugged mother and Prim goodbye, kissing Prim's forehead. "See you tomorrow, little duck." I said and Prim gave a quack, making me laugh. Mother come back with pyjamas and a clean dress for tomorrow, I thanked her before heading upstairs into Gale's room.

I went to the bathroom and changed into my nightdress, and sitting on the edge of his bed awkwardly. Gale opened the quilt and patted the space beside him, smirking. I blushed and lay beside him, his large hands found my waist and pulled me towards him, his lips kissed my neck, I let out a quiet moan causing Gale to grab my waist, his hands trailed to my bum and I wrapped my leg around his waist, his hand cupped my hair and slid his tongue into my mouth, the kiss was becoming sloppy and heated.

His fingers found the hem of my knickers, making me gasp at the cold touch, Gale looked at me as if asking for my permission, I answered with another sloppy kiss, he slid down my underwear and his fingers entered my vagina, I tensed up but then relaxed as the feeling turned to pleasure, I squeezed down on his shoulders, trying to stop myself from moaning, Gale sure did know how to work his fingers.

He planted kisses along my neck but I pulled his face towards mine and kissed his lips hungrily, my hands were tugging at the hem of his trousers, he pulled them down and I grabbed his member, his eyes rolled to the back of his head in pleasure as I moved my hand up and down, I threw my hair over my shoulders and licked it, he grabbed the bedsheets and I smirked at him, bobbing my head up and down I felt Gale buck his hips, before I stopped and climbed on, aligning myself before Gale thrusted inside me, I let out a shaky moan, Gale put his hand over my mouth and chuckled, my lips met his as his hands roamed my body, caressing my breasts, squeezing my bum. We lay beside each other breathlessly, giggling. "That was good." Gale breathed and I smiled over at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "It was."

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