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I take back what I said- it's not all going to be fluff. But I have learned some writing tips in English so I think I have improved and will try to make this 2k words long (we'll see at the end) Also, update schedule is going to be every Sunday night at either 8pm or 9pm. Lucky if I post early. Anyways, onto the fanfic!

TW: Slight cursing? small mention of cheating

I woke up in my bed, feeling sore all over my body. I tried sitting up, using my arms for a support. The sunlight was beaming in through my window, and I could feel the warm rays of sunlight shine onto my face and sheets. I picked up my communicator to check the time. 12:34 huh. I stretched my arms and wings out as far as I could, feeling some cracks here and there. I had slept for a long time I was assuming, and my right foot felt a bit numb. I stood up, holding the dark oak pole from my bed as support. I then reached for the wall, as I felt the smooth texture of the paint through my fingers. Walking into the kitchen, I made myself some breakfast- lunch? No, brunch. Taking out some ham from the fridge, I sliced it into small cubes and put them into the sizzling frying pan. While cooking, I traced back my memory from the night before, thence realizing what had happened that night. My face started to heat up as I seasoned the rice in the pan with garlic powder. Ignoring the dings from the communicator in the bedroom, I continued cooking, making some eggs on the side for my fried rice.

Once I was finished, I set my food down on the quartz counter and went back into the bedroom, grabbing my communicator. I walked back into the kitchen, sitting down as I checked my messages. Scrolling through the messages, most of them were from Scar and a few of the majority were from Mumbo and BigB. I turned off the communicator, too hungry and lazy to read them, gulping down my food as fast as I could. By the time I was finished, I felt much more energized. I headed to the sink to wash the dishes, the cool water pouring from the faucet and onto my hands cooking them down and refreshing them.

By the time I was done, I went back and snatched my communicator. I threw myself onto the maroon couch, leaning on the arm of it. I scrolled through my messages.


[GoodtimeswithScar] - 12:47pm
G? I was wondering if we could talk about last night? If you feel comfortable of course.

[GoodtimeswithScar] - 12:48pm
Hello~ G? You still sleeping?

[GoodtimeswithScar] - 12:50pm
Grian? Please don't tell me your ignoring me

[GoodtimeswithScar] - 12:52pm
G! I'm actually worried are you alright!?

[GoodtimeswithScar] - 12:53pm
If you aren't going to respond then I'm coming to your base at 4pm, whether you like it or not.

[GoodtimeswithScar] - 12:56pm
Right, I'm visiting at 4pm then G. I'll see you there.

Of all the times to ignore his notifications, he chose now. Grian felt dumb all of a sudden, but knowing Scar was coming at 4pm made him feel slightly less guilty. Grian went to his spruce wardrobe, opening it to find his outfits like his Sahara suit and his Guinea pig outfit. Grian look down at the neatly folded piles of red sweaters and jeans. He changed into a new red sweater and some gray jeans, then put on some red Vans with a checkered pattern at the bottom of them. He was very fond of his shoes since he crafted two anklets (the plastic ends of a shoelace) with his name printed on them in red, in a fancy newspaper font.

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