7. Photo Session

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"You got married?"

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"You got married?"

I nod. "Yep." I pop the p.

"What in the hell were you thinking?" I sigh before going into detail with my publicist and agent about what the hell I was thinking and why the fuck I got married.

"I don't even know what to say. Henry, you've rendered me speechless." Mila leans back in her leather office chair.

"Okay, well... I'm gonna go... Work on your publicity." Gianna says before exiting the office.

"You scared her away. How'd you do that?" Mila asks and I shrug.

"Get married, I guess."

Mila sends me a smile. "Alright, you may go. I thought I was going to have to lecture you."

"Nah. I'm not Chris." This earns me a laugh.

I unlock my Porsche Cayenne once I get to the parking garage before sliding inside.

Now all I have to do is drop the prenuptial off at Katherine's and talk her into letting me hire a moving company.

That's easier said than done.

"Nope. Not happening."

"Why not?" I ask, twisting my straw around in my glass.

"Why would I hire someone to do what I can do?"

"Because it's easier and faster. Please. I don't want you stressed or anything."

"Jake. You've already done enough. Either you hire a moving company, or we go wherever the hell we're going in July. You decide."

I lean back in my seat. "You think we're only going on one trip? Oh, Kit Kat, you sweet, naïve little child."

Katherine snorts before placing her hand over her nose. "We're the same age, doofus."

"Fine, at least let me and the guys help you move."

"I won't argue with that."

"Thank the heavens." The gods are on my side today.

Our waitress comes by with our check and I snatch it up before Katherine can even blink. I slip my card inside before handing it back to the waitress when she walks by.

"Why won't you let me pay for anything?"

"'Cause I was raised right."

"You and my Poppy would get along great. He'd have a heart attack if he knew I've split a check with a man before."

"Sounds like a great man."

"I was thinking... If you don't have plans Thursday, then you could come meet them." Katherine fiddles with the hem of her jacket. The act showing she's nervous.

"I'd love to."

"We usually have Thursday night dinner but, if you need we can move it to lunch."

"We have a game on Thursday, so lunch would be perfect. If it isn't too much trouble." Should I offer tickets for the game? Probably. "I can get them tickets. If they'd want to come?"

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