35. Hockey-Related

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We manage to sink in two goals before the clock ticks to the end, and the buzzer sounds

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We manage to sink in two goals before the clock ticks to the end, and the buzzer sounds. Minneapolis was dumb enough to pull their goalie all because they had a power play.

Greyson declares that the first round of drinks is on him as we walk toward the locker room.

My publicist Gianna comes up to my side. "Rachel Carson wants an interview." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Her questions are so off-topic." I groan, peeling off my pads as I walk down the tunnel.

"Here, Chris'll take your gear for you." She grabs Chris's bicep and pulls him toward us.

"What am I doing?"

"You're taking his gear to his locker while he's getting interviewed. Then you're jumping in the shower and getting changed so Rachel can interview you." I shake out my sweaty hair as I pull my helmet off.

I peel off my jersey and pads so I'm only wearing my baselayer--and I leave the bottom half of my pads on.

Chris takes hold of my stuff and scoffs. "Rachel Carson? God, she's so nosey. She asks one hockey-related question and then somehow my sex life is getting put on the spot." He rolls his eyes. "Like, seriously lady, leave my dick alone. He's not going inside of you." I snort at his words and Gianna ignores him. "But Gigi, he's always ready for you, if you want." He shoots her a wink and she inhales a frustrated deep breath.

"One of these days, the back of my heel will end up on your foot."

"Someone record that," Greyson says as he walks past.

"Tell me when. I want to be there when he has to explain to Coach why he can't play." I say, shoving my helmet into Chris's hands. "Wish me luck."

I whine to Gianna the whole walk to the interview wall, then I plaster on a fake smile.

"And here comes, starting forward, Jake Henry," Rachel says and I try not to roll my eyes at her voice.

"She sounds like a Muppet," I whisper quietly, earning an elbow to the stomach from Gianna.

"Knock it off." She whispers, lightly pushing me towards Rachel.

"How are you feeling post-game, Jake?" She asks before holding the microphone out to me.

My breathing is still heavy, and I have sweat dripping down my face. My hands rest on my hips as I stare down at the floor. "Uh, out of breath. That's for sure." I say and she giggles. Gross.

"I bet. You played hard out there, as usual. Now, we've been hearing some rumors that your wife, Katherine Kenny, had been hospitalized." And there it is. My jaw ticks as she shoves the microphone in my face.

"I'm sorry, what does this have to do with the game?" I ask, scratching behind my earlobe.

"Your fans want to know."

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