8. My Life is a Movie

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I check the time on my phone for the sixth time in the past two minutes

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I check the time on my phone for the sixth time in the past two minutes. I was late. I was oh so late. It was my first game as his wife and I'm not even there. Fuck.

"You seem anxious." Kennedy, my nurse says.

"I am. I was supposed to be somewhere over an hour ago."

My knee bounces anxiously. "I'm sorry Katherine, but your health is more important. We're just about done, though. No more than half an hour." I groan.

Dialysis usually sticks to the schedule. It hardly ever runs late. But, I consumed too many fluids in between this session—no thanks to Vegas—and my last and that caused terrible cramps. Because of that, they had to slow down the process.

"Got a hot date?" The elderly woman beside me asks.

I crack a smile, "Something like that."

She has pretty white hair that's pinned up in a bun. Dimples on both cheeks. Bright green eyes. A smile only a grandmother could give. "I was almost late to my wedding dress rehearsal because of this shit." Her words take me by surprise, but I immediately love her. "Where's your destination?"

"A hockey game."

The woman shakes her head and clicks her tongue. "Ah. Men. Always taking girls on dates to sports games. I bet he's hoping to get on the Kiss Cam."

"Actually.. Never mind." She doesn't care.

"What is it?"

I scrunch my nose up and look around to make sure no one is listening. "He's one of the players."

She gasps before leaning towards me, "Tell me everything." And for some odd reason, I do. I tell her everything, all the way down to the nickname. "If I'd known your life was a movie, I'd've talked to you sooner. The name's Madeline."

I smile, "Katherine."

"Kit Kat." A cheeky grin appears on her face and I playfully roll my eyes.

I soon learn that Madeline has been married and divorced. She has two kids and got married again seven years ago to the love of her life. She and her husband couldn't stand each other in college and actually hung out at a college reunion years later and fell in love.

"You think my life is a movie? You married your college enemy." I snort. Enemies-to-Lovers is always one of the best tropes.

"He's much less irritable now." I also learn that her husband was in an 80s hairband and they called him Nigel, even though his real name is Joe.

"He sounds awesome."

"Oh, he is. Trust me." Madeline winks and my jaw drops.

We spend the next twenty minutes sharing stories and getting to know each other before I'm finally allowed to leave.

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