21. Merely A Distraction

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"Kit Kat

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"Kit Kat..."

"Hmm?" I grumble, squeezing my eyes shut tighter.

"Wake up, baby. We gotta leave soon."

"Nooo," I whine, pulling the sheets up to my face. I inhale the smell of laundry detergent and men's body wash. No, wait, maybe that's just Jake's natural scent. Either way, it's orgasmic. So are his fingers. And probably his--

"Come on. Don't you want to go to New York? You know, the Big Apple. Empire State Building and all that. Hamilton. Times Square. The M&M store. Tiffany & Co.?" I peel one eye open to see Jake waggling his eyebrows at me.

"Have you ever been inside a Tiffany & Co.?" I ask, turning to my other side. Jake's bare chest comes into view as I wrap my arm around his torso.

"No, but, there's a first time for everything." His crooked grin damn near melts my heart. I love his smile. I love all his smiles. His sheepish smile. His boyish smile. His lazy smile. His nervous smile. His excited smile. His tired smile. And the newest one? His smug smile. That one only appears in the bedroom. I've only seen it once, and I fucking loved it.

"What's with that look?"

"Nothin'... I'm just thinking. That's all." I smile up at him.

"About what?" He asks, shifting down onto his elbow. He rests his temple on his fist.

"How much I like your smile," I admit, immediately feeling heat rush up my neck.

The tips of Jake's ears turn bright red, and his smile grows wider. I reach up and push his hair back. "You need a haircut."

"Gonna give me one when we get back?"

"You want me to?" I ask, gently tugging at the roots of his hair.

"If you can squeeze me in." He shrugs.

I smile. "I think I could make it work."

"Good." I don't miss the fact that his hand has been on my ass since I rolled over. And I definitely don't intend on moving it anytime soon.

"How long do we have?"

"I've gotta be at the airport in an hour. You've got about two." He says and I nod before urging him to lie down.

"Great. Snuggle with me." I thread my fingers through his hair and close my eyes.

I don't know exactly how long we lay there, in each other's arms, before Jake removes his palm from my ass. "No."

"I know," Jake says before I feel his lips pressed against my cheekbone. "I'll see you tonight, baby. Text me before you take off and when you land."

"Mkay," I whisper before drifting off to sleep.


"I'm so excited! I've always wanted to go to New York!" Sophia pulls my arm down as she jumps up and down.

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