31. Chicken Fries, Bonding, and Almost I Love You

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"Wait till Jake tells you about all the shit he gave your doctor." Sophia says and my brows furrow.

"He did what?" I look over at Jake asleep in the reclining chair. His hand is clasped in mine as he uses his bicep as a pillow.

"Gave him total hell. Bane deserved it too. I'll let lover boy here give you all the details, but, a quick summary is, Bane was spewing bull shit about you not moving up the list because there's never been a problem until now. Jake lost his shit. I've never seen someone be so calm yet pissed off at the same time. He barely even raised his voice." She peels back the plastic on the Jell-O cup. "If it were my man, I'd be turned the fuck on. BTW. Mm, heard you fucked in the arcade bathroom." She says and I choke on my Sprite.

I hit my chest before being able to breathe again. I wince and look down at Jake, to thankfully find him still asleep.

He's been so worried about me that he's barely slept at all. He's hasn't been home at all. He's been in the same clothes for the full 40-hours I've been here.

Luckily, I get to go home in a couple of hours.

"He's the sweetest though. He hasn't left your side once. I don't even think he's gone to the bathroom." Sophia says and I chuckle.

"I think he goes when I'm asleep. I'd be worried if he didn't go at all."

There's a knock on the door before Delilah pokes her head in. "We brought you some real food. Figured you were sick of Jell-O and vanilla ice cream."

I sit up straighter at the sight of Chicken Fries from Burger King. "I love you guys."

"Jake told us you ate these all the time in college." Delilah holds up the bag. "I used to devour three of these in a day my Freshman year. I gained a-"

"Freshman-twenty. Instead of fifteen?" I ask, and for the first time, she gives me a genuine smile.

"Woah. Did you guys just bond for the first time?" Ruby asks and I chuckle.

Delilah scrunched up her nose. "I think we did." She pulls a chair up beside the hospital bed. "I'm really sorry about being a bit of a bitch. I just don't want Jake to get hurt again."

"I understand. Don't worry, I'm not one for grudges." I wave her off as I dip the chicken fry into ketchup. "By the way, I'll love you guys forever for this."


"Jake. I'm capable of walking, by myself." I state as I step out of the car.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to-- I just want to--" I place my hands on his shoulders and he shuts his mouth.

"Jake. I appreciate it, but, I think I can walk from the garage to the couch and be okay." I say and he nods.

"You go get comfy. I'll bring your stuff in and then bring down a change of clothes."

"Just bring me a T-shirt?" I ask, my tone hopeful.

Jake smiles. "Which one ya want, baby?"

"Surprise me," I say before walking in and heading straight for the couch. I grab the remote before falling backward and kicking my sandals off.

Deke jumps up beside me and I scratch behind his ear. "Hey, buddy. I missed you."

A few minutes later Jake tosses a black T-shirt at me as he walks into the kitchen.

I snort as I read the I ❤️ Hockey written across the front.

"Do you think I could get a famous hockey player to sign this?"

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