Bio (Minor Spoilers)

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Basic Info

Name: Y/n L/n

Birthday: B/d

Age: Early Twenties

Hair: H/c

Eyes: E/c

Blood Type: B/t

Species: Human

Occupation: Guardian, Titan

* Type: Resurrected


Basic Appearance: Overall looks like you, but more fit do to your past that will be explained later.

Outfit: in the beginning, basic Titan gear, but after that, you can picture what you want, unless it becomes key to the plot.

Personality: you're more easy going than most, rarely taking things too seriously, but that doesn't mean you don't know how. You just often chose not to. You often play the idiot, but are you really? Or it is just an act? You often joke around and try to have fun. You cherish your friends and will do anything to protect them. Once the girls start to grow feelings for you, you play into your idiot card and pretend to not notice, but you do, you just don't want to hurt anyone. You're not above killing, as you know it's necessary, but you're still willing to give people another chance to change, but even that has its limits.

You have this, almost child like wander. Constantly amazed by so many things, like you're seeing this all for the first time.

You can also be quite the flirt, often not wasting time to flirt, but you do know boundaries.

However, tho rare, you have these moments where you become someone else, often emanating pure killing intent. Almost like you're a trained killer. These moments are few and far between, and you're not aware of when they happen.

Abilities and Power

You have all the basic powers and abilities of a Titan in Destiny 1 and later destiny 2. Like all guardians, you have a natural attribute for all things combat, but you've been noted to be more skilled than most first time guardians.

You also have other latent abilities that will be shown later on, during the story.

* A/n: even with a spoiler tag, I can't reveal everything now, can I?

Your weaponry changes throughout the story, but it primarily consists of an assault rifle, a machine gun, a pistol or hand cannon, a light machine gun and a sword. Sometimes you'll get a grenade launcher or rocket launcher.


Just fighting techniques that any guardian has, plus some that only you have.


Parents = None

Siblings = None

The New Guardian | Destiny Crossover-ish and Crossover large harem x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now