Ch. 2 | A Guardian Rises Arc | The Last City & The Tower

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A/n: sorry it took so long for this one. I jumped at this one too soon, without coming up with a proper plan, I still don't, but I have more now. I'm used to writing with the aid of a transcript, novel, manga, etc. but this doesn't have much as it's a game. So I'm going to add more original stuff in for the story while using the wiki and other stuff as a guide, so I can make sure my information is correct. Also, more of the harem, primarily the non-Guardian members will be introduced in the Destiny 2 section of the story and that section will be stretched out more to incorporate their stories more into it.

Search for a Ship Continues

As the scene fades back in, we see as nothing has changed since the last time we saw them. We see as Y/n is still standing in front of his Ghost with a smile on his face. All the while holding onto his newly acquired rifle.

Ghost: "w-what...... what did you just say?"

Y/n: "huh? didnt you hear me? My name is Y/n, Y/n L/n. Nice to meet yah."

Ghost: "nice to meet you too...... Guardian./how...... how is this even possible? He remembers his original name. Only Exos and those who became Guardians while still being alive can remember their past. According to my earlier readings, hes been dead for a few decades, maybe longer. So this shouldn't be possible."

Y/n: "what?...... did I say something weird?"

Ghost: "huh? Oh, no. It's nothing"

Y/n: "oh, cool. Now come on. We should get out of here."

Ghost: "oh, right."

Ghost then converts itself into light and Ghost into the boy. He shivers a little, noting how weird that is but then readies his rifle and begins to run deeper into the large wall like structure. As he continues to run down in one of its many hallways, he eventually comes across a strange looking chest.

 As he continues to run down in one of its many hallways, he eventually comes across a strange looking chest

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* but it's closed.

Y/n: "huh? whats with this chest?"

Ghost (mind): "it's what many call a 'Loot Cache'. It often holds Glimmer or some kind of item left behind by the previous inhabitants."

Y/n: "so kinda like a video game but cool nonetheless...... wait, whats Glimmer?"

Ghost (mind): "it's a type of currency we use now, I'll explain later."

Y/n: "cool, sounds fancy. So let's see what it has." he then opens it and outcomes multiple cubes, "woaaaaaah. So pretty." but then they suddenly vanish, "wait, where did they go? Was it all a trap or some kind of fake out?"

The New Guardian | Destiny Crossover-ish and Crossover large harem x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now