5. Say My Name

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no matter how hard minho tried he couldn't get the small boy out of his head. this was unusual for him for many reasons:
1: he didn't know his name as he usually payed no attention to underclassmen.
2: they had literally only met once.
3: the boy was actually kind of cute.

now the last part might not seem unusual but minho hadn't had a crush in years. plus him just finding someone attractive usually took a lot more than a one minute meeting. so this situation was indeed bizarre.

what was minho going to do about it? absolutely nothing, and especially not tell chan. he would be made fun of for days and it just wasn't worth it. maybe he would just quietly look for the boy again. observe from a distance. as creepy as that sounds it was his best option.


jisung was more embarrassed about the situation.

"why did i have to make that so awkward?" he whined to felix. they were in his room.

"han jisung it has been three days i swear you are so dramatic. he probably doesn't even remember." felix said while rolling his eyes.

jisung did know the name of the boy he ran into however. it was kind of hard not to. lee minho wasn't some cliche popular boy but he definitely wasn't a nobody. he was captain of their high schools dance team and he was gorgeous. girls were constantly trying to get with him but he hadn't dated anyone publicly.

"i don't care felix i'm still embarrassed" he mumbled.

"well who was he with?" the younger asked trying to sound confident.

"if your asking if changbin hyung was with him then no. lix honestly you should talk to him sometime. i'm pretty close with him in music." jisung offered.

"ugh i'm just scared" felix admitted slamming his head into a pillow.

"dude i have seen the way he looks at you. it's disgusting. you should definitely try talking to him." jisung said getting smacked with the pillow previously under the youngers face.

"ok dummy maybe i will"

AUTHORS NOTE: wanted to add a few happy, fluffy chapters before things get sad again. i really hope you're enjoying this because honestly i love writing it. on a completely unrelated note on sunday nights do you ever just get like a huge feeling of dread or anxiety just knowing that your going to wake up and have to go to school and your life is going to suck again. like i'm a lot happier on the weekends and then baam school. lol anyways.


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