10. Sparks

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well to say that jisung looked stunning was an understatement. minho was shocked by the boy in front of him. he was wearing skin tight black ripped jeans, a baby blue t shirt, platform vans, his hair was curled, and he had sparkly makeup on.

"oh jisung nice to see you again," he said trying to sound calm even though his heart was racing. "you look really good by the way."

the blush on jisungs face was definitely worth any nervousness minho may have felt. "thank you hyung you look amazing as well." that

that wasn't a lie. minho was dressed in skin tight leather pants, a lavender blouse looking top, platform boots, and his hair was perfection.

minho decided to walk over to where jisung was standing, "how are you doing lately? i hope no more problems with my brother."

jisung swore his heart stopped for a few seconds when minho got closer, "i've actually been doing really good hyung thanks for asking. and no, no more problems." he said with a small heart shaped smile.

"you are so cute." minho said a little louder than he meant to. jisung blushed a very deep shade of red.

"oh thank you hyung"

"so what brings you to the party?"

"well my best friend got asked by your best friend so he wanted me to come. they're both here somewhere but i can almost guarantee that they are making out." jisung said trailing off a bit at the end.

"makes sense changbin has liked felix forever" minho said which shocked jisung. felix was convinced that the older had no idea who he was and even if he did he had no chance with him.

"that's crazy felix has liked him for a while too but he was terrified to do anything."

"well jisung what do you say we go explore?"

"sounds good to me"


that's how they ended up at a nearby park playing on the swings. they had talked quite a bit and were shocked at how well they were getting along.

"can i do something totally crazy?" minho asked out of nowhere.

"depends on what it is" jisung responded with a laugh.

"can i kiss you? i know it sounds crazy but ever since we ran into each other i've been thinking about you and you can say no" minho was cut off by jisungs lips on his.

"i've been thinking about you too. now kiss me for real."

so they did. minho pulled jisung closer by the waist and looked into his eyes one last time before molding their lips together. it was a slow and sweet kiss but for both of them it felt perfect in ways words couldn't describe.

when they finally pulled apart both had huge smiles on their faces. "do you want to go on a date with me?" minho asked.

"there is nothing i want more. now we should probably go back to the party before felix thinks i got kidnapped"

AUTHORS NOTE: i know it's kind of soon for them to be going on a date but that's because drama needs to happen while they are dating. i promise i have a plan... kinda. anyways until next time.


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