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it had been five years since minho and jisung had gotten together. they moved out together around three years ago after minhos first year of college and after jisung graduated high school. many people were quick to judge and say that they were moving too fast and would break up sooner or later but the two weren't fazed by this, they knew how much they loved each other.

in the early days of jisung staying with minhos family it had been a bit awkward. not for the family as a whole but for jisung and mark. after a few weeks though mark showed up to the couples room and requested to talk to jisung alone. he had apologized for ever time that he was rude to jisung and even told the younger about his boyfriend. it took time but now the two are best friends.

now minho and jisung find themselves on their monthly date, sitting in a small cafe that has beautiful views of the river surrounding it. they came here every month and became quite close with the owners, a young couple. the atmosphere was perfect for the night ahead of them. after they had finished their entrees and were waiting to order desert minho began to speak.

"jisung can i ask you something?" he said, slightly shaking. this made jisung nervous because minho never called him by his name.

"sure baby."

"we've been together for five years now and these years have been the best of my life. you make me happier than anything i could have ever dreamed of. you make my life worth living and i would be honored if you would spend the rest of your life with me. han jisung will you marry me?"

after hearing these words jisung immediately started sobbing. minho truly made him happier than anything.

"yes oh my god minho of course i will marry you!" jisung practically screamed. the few people in the store immediately started clapping and the owners came running over.

"oh my goodness congratulations you two! we've been waiting for this day. pick out anything on the desert menu it's on the house. actually you know what we will just make everything for you. don't you two worry about a thing!"

and before either could say anything they were gone. needless to say the two are way too much dessert that night.


now the two found themselves back at home lounging on the couch in comfy clothes. just cuddling and watching a movie. everything was so peaceful until jisung slowly slid his hands under minhos sweater. he was caressing the olders toned stomach in a way that he knew drove the older crazy. out of nowhere jisung squeezed the olders nipple. minho let out the softest moan but it was still audible to jisung. feeling encouraged he kept going, playing with minhos nipples and hearing the melodic moans below him. before long he had slid minhos shirt over his head and brought his lips down on the other's sensitive skin. god the moaning was getting unbearable. jisung felt the lump in his pants growing by the second.

"minho baby can i suck you off?" jisung asked in a husky voice which minho can't lie made his dick twitch.

"go ahead love."

that's all jisung needed. he slowly pulled the olders pants down and tried not to drool over minhos beautiful thighs. he slowly sucked marks onto the man in front of him, leaving evidence of their time together all over him. he could tell that minho was starting to get impatient so he decided to be merciful and take the olders boxers off.

just to tease jisung quickly bobbed his head down on the olders length. the reaction he got was well worth the slight gag that came from the act. he continued bobbing up and down listening the sounds below him encouraging him to continue. minho looped his fingers through the youngers hair and slightly pulling as he knew this drove the other crazy.

before long minhos thighs began to shake signaling that he was close. before he could warn the younger he had already came in his mouth. but jisung didn't mind, in fact jisung loved the feeling.

"ok baby is it ok if i prep you or are you still too sensitive?" the younger asked slightly teasing.

"jisung just do it."

and so he did. he grabbed the lube out of the side table thoroughly coating his fingers with the substance. then he traced circles around the olders rim. he would teasingly slip the end of his finger past the rim but still didn't give minho what he wanted. minhos eyes were practically begging jisung to hurry up but he felt like taking his time.

after a few minutes he pushed his full finger in loving how minho practically screamed out of pleasure below him. jisung continued thrusting his finger in and out occasionally curling it. before long he felt that it was time to add another finger so he did. just from this minho let out the loudest moan yet. god it was driving jisung crazy. he tried to hurry up and eventually he was able to add another finger. his mistake was looking down. his baby looked so fucked out below him and god jisung could of came at the sight.

"are you ready min?"

"oh my god jisung please!"

jisung finally took of his pants and boxers and wasted no time coating his dick in lube. he barely put the tip into minho and minho was going crazy. eventually he bottomed out and oh my god he was in heaven. waiting for minho to adjust almost killed him.

"you can move. oh my god jisung please move!"

"with pleasure."

with that jisung pulled all the way out just to slam back in and if minho wasn't a moaning mess before he definitely was now. the fast and hard thrusts from the younger were quickly bringing him to his second release.

"sungie im so close!" minho screamed.

"me too baby. let's do it together."

jisung brought minho into a sloppy kiss. he was reaching his release quickly as well. after a few more thrusts minho came all over his stomach and jisung came inside of him. minho loved that feeling.

after riding out their highs jisung slowly pulled out, being gentle because he knew minho hated this part.

"okay baby let's go get you cleaned up." he whispered gently. he picked minho up bridal style and carried him to the bathroom.

"shower or bath baby?"

"bath please." minho whispered sleepily.

jisung drew a warm bath and carefully lowered minho into it. he slowly got in behind and pulled minho closer. he carefully washed the older and quickly washed himself. after a few minutes of relaxing he got both of them out and dressed both minho and himself in comfy pajamas and warm socks.

by the time minho hit the bed he was asleep. minho was always very out of it after sex but jisung knew how to take care of him. soon after jisung fell asleep as well. it was a good day.


minsung wedding was one of the most beautiful weddings that their friends had ever seen. every single one of their friends ended up crying at one point. white lilies and red roses lined the reception hall as well as ended up as centerpieces. their vows were lovely and jisung asked minhos mom to walk him to his spot at the alter. when minho finally walked down the aisle jisung could swear his heart stopped. he was gorgeous.

after it all was said and done the two couldn't be happier.

a few years into their marriage after both had graduated and gotten stable jobs, they decided to adopt twins. two girls named han chowon and han minju. they were the couples pride and joy and they tended to spoil them lots.

minsung couldn't be more happier with their lives and they couldn't wait to spend the rest of them together.


AUTHORS NOTE: it's complete! sorry if the smut was terrible it was my first time writing it. thank you guys so much for all the support on this book it means the world to me. i will probably start working on my new book soon! i might write a few bonus chapters for this book as well. probably domestic minsung because i live for that. until next time!!!!!


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