11. Dreams Come True

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after their time outside jisung and minho walked back to the party hand in hand. they talked about everything from their favorite colors to their first memory. the atmosphere between them was surprisingly comfortable considering that neither did well around new people.

as they neared the party jisung suddenly had a thought, "wait hyung, are we going to tell people about our date or keep it a secret?" the answer honestly made him nervous but he didn't know why.

"hmmm i didn't think about that. how about we can tell our friends but we keep it from the public for now. just for both of our safety." minho replied, almost whispering the last part. he came from a very respectable family and he was slightly worried about how they would react to him coming out but he wanted to be with jisung so it was a risk that he was willing to take.

"that sounds good. i'm so excited for our date!" jisung replied with a little squeal at the end which caused minho to giggle. that giggle was the best thing that jisung had ever heard and he wanted to hear it again.

"me too jisungie," minho replied not even thinking about the nickname which made the younger blush, "how about saturday evening?"

once jisungs heart had calmed down enough he responded, "sounds amazing"

"hyung can you do one more thing for me?" the younger asked suddenly getting shy.

"what is it sungie?" minho replied enjoying the blush on his cheeks.

"can you kiss me again?" jisung asked shyly. before jisung even had a chance to react he felt sweet lips pressed to his. it was the second time they kissed but somehow it felt like heaven again. when they broke apart for air minho decided to take it a step further and reattached his lips to jisungs. this time they engaged in a much sloppier make out session and jisung loved it. minho licked jisungs bottom lip but the younger didn't seem to get the message so he gently bit down causing the younger to gasp. he took this opportunity to slip in his tongue and explore the inside of jisungs mouth. this time when they separated minho attached his lips to jisungs neck and started kissing down gently increasing the pressure until he reached a spot which made the younger moan. "bingo" he said before sucking and biting on the skin. jisung turned into a moaning mess and thanked god that no one was around them currently. when minho pulled off with a 'pop' he left behind a growing dark purple mark. seeing this made him smile.

he left one more peck on the boys lips then looked at him. the younger was a mess. his lips were swollen and his eyes were half way closed. his hair and makeup were slightly messed up but god did he look hot.

"sungie are you okay?" minho asked looking at the dazed boy.

"holy shit i think i'm in heaven. that was the best experience of my life. holy shit." he just kept rambling which made minho smile to himself.

"we should probably go back to the party baby felix is waiting. also you should probably cover your neck." minho said with a smirk.

"you gave me a hickey didn't you" jisung said with his jaw dropped.

"come on felix is waiting baby" the older just pulled him along smiling.

"lee minho you are going to be the death of my sanity"

AUTHORS NOTE: so i honestly didn't plan for this chapter to turn out like this but here we are. it was cute i guess. ANYWAYS sorry for being gone for forever and i will try to be more consistent. stay healthy and im always here if you need anything.


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