21. Better Days

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"min?" jisung whispered quietly. he was in so much pain.

"oh my god sungie your okay!" minho almost screamed. it had been three days since jisung had last been awake.

"yes baby i'm okay." the younger said with a smile, "but what happened i don't remember anything."

"we went to your house to get some stuff but your dad was home. he found out about us and he hurt you so bad sung. i was so scared." minho said before continuing, "i called the cops and then i got him off of you. i was so scared that you wouldn't make it sung. i'm so sorry."

the older was sobbing at this point and while jisung was shocked at this turn of events he was so glad that minho was there when it happened. he took a second to think about everything that minho had done for him and he couldn't help but smile. minho was his everything.

"thank you so much min i don't know what i would do without you." jisung said finally letting tears fall from his eyes.

"luckily you will never have to find out." minho said pulling jisung into a hug.

the two stayed that way until some loud bang caught their attention. they turned around to see six boys standing in the room.

"oh hey guys," minho said casually, "what brings you all here."

"well we heard about sung and we were worried so we begged felix to bring us here" changbin said with a shy smile.

"hi guys i'm doing okay thank you for being here." jisung had never been more happy in his life. sure he was laying in a hospital bed with severe pain but he realized that he had friends that genuinely cared about him, he had minho who loved him just as much as jisung loved him, and for the first time in a while he had hope for the future.


"mom, dad can i talk to you?" minho called out to his parents. today he had the courage, today he was going to tell his parents not only that he was gay, but that he had a boyfriend.

"sure sweetie come talk to us." his mother said, pausing the tv.

"so i want to preface this by saying that i totally understand if you don't want to be around me after this but this is something that i've needed to talk about for a long time," minho started, taking a deep breath, "mother, father, i like men. i'm sorry to disappoint you but i can't help this. i have tried for so long to hide it or tell myself that it is a phase but it's not."

minho paused for a second waiting for screaming but when he didn't get a reaction he continued, "also i have a boyfriend. i love him so much and he means the world to me."

he closed his eyes. he couldn't bear to see the disappointment in his family's eyes. yet as he slowly opened his eyes, he found no disappointment.

"minho sweetie it doesn't matter who you love. when we decided to have children we decided that no matter what our children did or who they turned out to be we would love them. just because we may seem super conservative doesn't mean that we won't support you." minhos mother said with tears in her eyes.

"minho you are our son. our pride and joy. we love you and your brother no matter what. we are so proud of you for being who you are despite living in such a hateful world. thank you for trusting us enough to tell us. we love you." minhos father continued.

minho was not expecting this whatsoever. he couldn't help but break down. he loves his parents so much and he was so scared that they would hate him. his parents immediately stood up and pulled him into a hug. it was so filled with love that he cried harder.

after a few minutes minho calmed down enough to ask his final question, "mom, dad, recently my boyfriends father was sent to prison for child abuse. could he spend time with us?"

"of course sweetie just don't lock the door. tell him that if he ever needs anything we are always here." minhos mom said with a smile.


AUTHORS NOTE: hey beautiful people. i'm back. guess who got into a wreck tho 🥲. i'm okay it was just rough. anyways next chapter is the epilogue and maybe smut. i'm actually so sad to finish this book but it's time. also i know that many parents are not this accepting but i needed happiness and acceptance. if you are struggling with coming out or not being accepted i'm always here. until next time.


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