14. Do or Die

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"han jisung you are such a worthless bastard," jisungs dad said taking a wooden back scratcher and swinging relentlessly at his son. to be honest jisung didn't even know what he had done, but when his father was drunk and angry there was no telling what could happen.

"look at me you fucking slut," the man said, pulling jisungs hair back and forcing him to make eye contact. he could see the fear present in his sons eyes and that just made the beating continue. "scared are you? good you should be. you've been spending too much time sucking your friends dicks and not enough time cleaning. fuck you han jisung." his father said after hitting him one last time, much harder than the rest.


after jisung finally crawled up the stairs to his bedroom he found himself in a very familiar situation. He grabbed the extra razor blades from under the sink and started to slice deep into his thighs finally letting the hot tears slide down his cheeks. he couldn't even feel the physical pain anymore but the mental pain was too much to handle. after deciding that his hips and thighs just weren't satisfying enough he moved onto his stomach cutting equally deep and begging himself to stop. he didn't want to do this anymore. he was so tired of being in pain. with barely any strength left he started to move to his wrists, but before he did he forced himself to call someone.

"felix..." he said barely above a whisper, "can you come over please?"

he tried to sound calm but felix knew all too well the way that jisung was acting, "i'll be there in five minutes hold on baby."

jisung tried to stop but instead he pressed the blade into his wrist sobbing as he sliced the skin. he wanted to do better for felix and minho had no idea about this. but he just kept cutting. until he decided to just lay down for a bit.

he just dropped the blade beside him and curled into a ball. he started staring at the wall and just waited.


felix was terrified. he had been through this situation so many times and yet he was still so scared. so he made a rash decision and called minho. he knew that jisung wouldn't be happy but honestly he couldn't do it alone this time.

"hyung are you doing anything? please don't say that you are doing anything. i really need you right now. i'm so scared. please can you come pick me up and drive me somewhere. please?" he pleaded panic lacing his voice.

"felix please calm down and tell me what's going on." the older said a feeling of dread building up inside of him. him and jisungs date was later that day and the younger had yet to text him.

"it's jisung."

"i'm on my way."


as the two walked into jisungs house they honestly didn't know what to expect. they wanted to be hopeful but for some reason they feared the worst. luckily for them jisungs father was nowhere to be seen which honestly made felix more nervous.

as they approached jisungs room the two became more nervous with every step, not knowing what they were walking into. as felix opened the door minho seemed relieved not to find anything wrong but felix on the other hand looked as if everything had just gotten worse.

as felix approached the bathroom door he asked minho to wait outside and told him that he would yell if he needed him. felix knocked on the door but there was no response. he opened the door knowing that it wasn't going to be a pretty sight but nothing could have ever prepared him for the sight of his best friend covered from head to toe in bruises and laying in a pool of his own blood.

felix couldn't even make a sound a he rushed into the bathroom screaming at minho to call an ambulance. jisung who heard all the noise opened his eyes and made a weak attempt to smile.

"hi lixie" he croaked out. this made felix burst into tears and minho ran over. "min baby what are you doing here?" jisung asked almost loopy.

neither of the other males responded and instead started sobbing. this made jisung remember what happened and he immediately felt guilty. in no time minho had picked him up and brought him into his arms not thinking about how he probably shouldn't move him and not caring about the blood soaking his clothes.

"sungie baby i was so scared when you weren't moving and we are definitely going to talk about this later but for now just let me hold you." the oldest said in between sobs.

AUTHORS NOTE: low key this chapter was so hard to write but it was very necessary. please if you are struggling with your mental health talk to someone. i am always here for you and i care about you all. i promise we will get back to fluffy minsung soon. i love you guys.


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