18. Raindrops

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the boys soft moment was soon interrupted by banging on the bathroom door.

"dude i need to use the bathroom,"

"fuck," jisung quietly exclaimed. mark was his biggest bully and he really didn't feel like seeing him again right now.

"one sec," minho said, quickly redressing himself and jisung. if he was honest he was a bit worried. he wasn't out to his brother and he has seen how his brother has treated jisung in the past. there was no way around this situation though so he would do what he had to. blackmail mark.

"min we can't go out there," jisung said with panic building up behind his eyes.

"don't worry sung i have a plan." minho said.

as minho opened the door he was met with a confused and slightly angry mark.

"minho what the actual fuck is he doing here?" mark seethed, "oh and better yet why the fuck were you in the bathroom together?"

"zip it pipsqueak. yes i was in the bathroom with jisung because he is my BOYFRIEND." minho said enunciating the word boyfriend. "and honestly i don't care what you think. and if you think that you are going to tell anyone about our relationship think twice because i won't hesitate to expose you and haechan."

the last statement caused jisung to malfunction. mark, the boy who bullies him for being gay, has something going on with another boy?

"now if you will excuse us me and jisung have a movie night to start." minho said leaving little to no room for discussion.


after they were safely inside the olders room, minho found himself pushed up against a wall. jisung making out with him. it really did feel like magic every time. jisungs lips moving quickly against minhos, it felt like heaven.

they only broke apart when they were gasping for air.

"i love you lee minho. i love you so much and i could have never wished for more." jisung whispered, staring lovingly into the love of his life's eyes.

"i love you so much too sung, you are my everything." minho answered honestly, "now let's get this movie night started!"


and with that the two found themselves cuddled up together on minhos bed in the middle of their fourth barbie movie. jisung was on the verge of sleep and minho was simply admiring how cute the younger looked all sleepy.

everything felt perfect in that moment. if minho was honest he could see himself spending the rest of his days like this. jisung curled up in his arms and for the first time in a long time, happy.

yes everything seemed perfect in that moment, but some happiness cannot last forever.

AUTHORS NOTE: sorry for being gone for so long. i took some much needed me time but i'm glad to be back. i will try to be more consistent considering it is the summer. thank you guys for your support!!!


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