17. Love

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after their little spicy time minho picked up jisung bridal style and took him to the bathroom attached to his room.

"here sungie sit for a second while i get a bath ready." minho said with a small smile on his face.

"god what did i do to deserve you?" jisung asked. "you are so perfect."

"you didn't do anything sung you just existed." the older said still smiling. once the tub finished filling minho helped jisung into the bath before getting in behind him. almost immediately jisung rested his head back onto the olders shoulders.

the two continued their bath with jisung closing his eyes and minho gently humming. if jisung was honest, it was one of the best moments in his life. he felt so loved and cared for that nothing else mattered.

"hyung can i say something crazy?" the younger asked getting a kiss in return. "i know that we just met and that we don't know much about each other but i love you. i love everything about you and getting together with you was one of the best decisions i've ever made. you are so amazing and you care for me so much, i could never ask for more."

jisung felt slightly nervous confessing this but after he heard small sniffles he knew he made the right decision.

"god sung i love you so much. i don't care that we haven't been together for long loving you is the best thing i've ever done. you are so sweet and kind and beautiful. you make life bearable. before you i had no interest in love but now i can't get enough. i want to give you the world." the older confessed.

"god i have never been happier." the younger said before turning back and connecting their lips in a gentle kiss. slowly jisung deepened the kiss and played with the olders tongue, yet their kiss was still soft.

jisung meant it when he said that he had never been happier. up until this point felix had been the one light in his very dark existence. minho had showed him that he was worthy of living and being loved.

the boys soft moment was soon interrupted by banging on the bathroom door.

"dude i need to use the bathroom,"

AUTHORS NOTE: god i want what they have. i'm so lonely lol. ANYWAYS thank you all for 100 reads!!!! i never expected for anyone to read this so i'm very happy!!!! please continue to support the book if you like and and please dm me with any suggestions or issues. THANK YOU!!!!


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