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"Do you need any help"? I asked Mrs

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"Do you need any help"? I asked Mrs. Khalid as soon as i stepped in the kitchen "No Dear...... actually yes, can you make a cup of black coffee with no milk, no sugar" She politely asked in a requesting tone and passing her a smile, i nodded my head and started making coffee as per her instructions "Mrs. Khalid, who drinks this type of weird tasteless coffee"? She chuckled as she softly replied "Yuhaan"

I instantly felt nervous and giving her a nervous smile, i handed her the perfectly brewed coffee "It's ready"

She passed me an sweet smile before replying and handing me the plates of chocolate and strawberry pancakes and Mr. Hamdaani's cup of coffee "Thank You so much my Dear, may Allah bless you. Now go, they are waiting for the breakfast" I gave her a warm smile and turned to leave but stopped by her again "I forgot to tell you, Zimal is allergic to strawberry"

"That i know Mrs. Khalid, Mr. Hamdaani gave me a list of their complete medical information but Thank You very much for reminding me" Giving her a last smile i walked out straight to the dinning room not before hearing Mrs. Khalid's shout from behind "It's Beena for you"

As i entered the dinning room, i saw the three sweet pies dressed in the uniform and talking to a boy, i guess his name was faris "Pretty Lady" Zimal's sweet excited shout made me smile at her widely. She was more excited seeing the chocolate pancake in my hands "Here" I placed the chocolate pancake infront of Zimal and strawberry pancakes infront of Zaroon who totally ignored me whereas Jaan was looking at me with his big doe eyes. Seeing me Faris greeted with a small smile "Assalam-O-Alaikum Ma'am!"

"Wa-Alaikum-Aslam Faris. How are you"? With my reply, i saw his face was flushed. Ya Allah! Why is he is so shy? "Alhumdulilah Good Ma'am!"

"Ahan, don't call me Ma'am, you know it makes me feel oldie. So, Ayzal will do" I repeated the same line of Mrs. Khalid with a chuckle and he shyly nodded his head but the next second fear captured his soft features at the murderous voice of Mr. Hamdaani "Get out of here Faris"

I turned and saw Mr. Hamdaani dressed in three piece black Armani suit, with a Rolex watch adorning his veiny wrist, his hairs were perfectly gelled to the side and his eyes were staring expressionless straight in my eyes.

Faris wasn't needed twice to tell, he literally ran out of the dinning room, i shooked my head smiling at the way faris ran and averting my eyes back to Mr. Hamdaani, he was expressionless but his eyes seemed darker than before. Nevertheless i greeted him "Good Morning Mr. Hamdaani" without replying me back he walked passed me and sat on his chair.

Sitting on his chair, the first thing he did was taking a sip of his coffee, unintentionally my whole attention was on his reaction, he was as usual expressionless but still his lips lifted up for a milli second making me internally sigh in satisfaction.

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