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Holding my hand in a firm grip he walked in the palace with his bodyguards following us

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Holding my hand in a firm grip he walked in the palace with his bodyguards following us. We passed the beautiful big hall straight going upstairs. The hall was very spacious and luxurious with different big vintage style portraits on the walls. The lighting in the hall was very good as the big chandeliers were hanging illuminating the hall more further.

When we got to the second portion, i finally took a sigh of relief. Damn so many stairs! "There is a lift downstairs" I heard his authoritative voice beside me. It wasn't like he was talking to me but more like ordering me. So yeah, he was back to his usual self.

But wait! What did he just said? When i gave him a hard look he expressionlessly pointed downstairs towards a corner, i followed his gaze and there was door of elevator. I took a deep breath before asking him as politely as i could because my anger was shot up "if there was already a lift here then why did we came from stairs"?

He stared at me for good 20 seconds with his expressionless face then uttered in a most disapproving and unyielding voice "I am not answerable to you" I instantly stiffened under his grim face. He was right, He is not my real husband to be answerable to me. I honestly forgot that he was no ordinary man, he was a Royalty whereas i am a ordinary girl who is pretending to be his wife.

As his grip was loosened on my hand, i pulled it back softly averting my eyes from him. I politely nodded my head at him and took a step backwards. As i wasn't looking at him, i failed to saw his darkened eyes at my action.

As he walked ahead, I saw his clenched hands and taking a deep internal sigh, i followed him in a room. Correction, it was more like a double hallway. MashaAllah! It was beautiful. There was a round king sized bed with pillars on each side, big side sitting area and a big terrace attached to the room. There were 2 more doors in the room, one is definitely a bathroom/washroom and other one i am guessing is a walk in closet.

But as soon as my eyes lit up seeing the room, they got dimmed the next second. This luxury is not mine, nothing is mine so, it's better not to get too attached with anything. Turning towards him i asked in a respectful manner "Can i change my clothes? I have to offer 'Asar prayer'and you can also offer prayer with me" when i turned to look at him, he was already looking at me with a small frown on his face but his deep eyes were still blank as if there were many things he wanted to ask but he wasn't allowing himself.

He took a step towards me making me take a step back which deepened his glare and the glint passed through his eyes was so intense that i felt my breath was stuck in my throat. He stopped after taking a single step and his stern voice echoed in this big hall like room "Do as you wish" saying this he walked out slamming the door hard. I know he is angry because i asked him to offer the prayer with me but unknown to me the reason was not this.

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