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It's been 5 days after their Nikkah

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It's been 5 days after their Nikkah. Ayzal was engrossed with the teaching lessons of dancing, table manners, walking style and many more things. Without getting any sleep and with only some small naps in the class with Afreen, she was alive. But this is not enough, she was running out of the energy and the dark circles under her eyes were very prominent now.

Nowadays Yuhaan was observing her keenly. He daily saw her doing sketching in the middle of night, he will not agree but he was a bit concern for her. He really was not understanding that why she don't sleep at night and she don't even take a nap in daytime. Basically she don't sleep at all? He was really confused.

It was dinner time now. Everyone were sitting in the dinning room while Mrs. Khalid was dishing out the food. Ayzal calmly plated out the food for the kids which as usual Zaroon pushed the plate away and plated out the biryani himself. Today Ayzal made biryani with raita and salad. She sighed looking at Zaroon thinking about the talk she had with him few days ago.


It was 9: 00PM and bedtime for the kids.  Giving the glass of milk to Zimal and Jaan, i walked in Zaroon's room. He was reading a book sitting straight against the bed take, he looked upwards at me for a milli second before continuing reading his book.

I placed the glass of milk on the side table and sat across him on the bed "Let's watch a movie Bunny. Shall we"? I asked but i already knew his answer.

"No! it's late i am going to sleep, take your glass of milk with you. I don't want it" saying this he closed his book placing it on the side table and was going to lay down when i held his hand.

"Please Bunny, can we talk"? I asked and taking a deep sigh i continued "Just tell me Bunny, why do you hate me so much. From the day i came to this house, all i was doing is to be your friend then why are you so reluctant to even try being my friend"

He stared at me for good 20 seconds before replying calmly "I just don't like you, so stop doing these things and just know this i never had a Mom before so your relationship with dad nothing changes between us. You will never be my Mom" He said it calmly but his words hit hard. He pulled his hands out of my hold before laying and pulling the comforter over him.

I don't care what he thinks about me but him saying 'I never had a Mom before' hit deep in my heart. This also shows how much he needs a mother.

"Good night Bunny. Sleep tight" I kissed his forehead and he instantly jerked himself away from me saying sternly "My name is Zaroon"

"And i loves to call you Bunny" I ruffled his hairs before walking out of the room with a sad heart. I really need to talk to Mr. Hamdaani.

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