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"Marry me" The first thought that came to mind was he is joking and i instantly laughed out

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"Marry me" The first thought that came to mind was he is joking and i instantly laughed out. I actually laughed out right infront of Mr. Iceberg's face.

I was laughing my heart out when i noticed his darkened eyes and coughing a bit to stop my laughing disaster i sobered up "Mr. Hamdaani, i must say you joke very well" Saying this i took a step back as i realised we are too close to my liking but seems like Mr. Hamdaani has other plans because the second i took a step back, he took a step towards me.

I frowned but kept stepping back. As i was looking straight in his eyes, i could see his eyes passing gloomy and frosty looks as if challenging me to dare to go against him but i couldn't step back anymore because he pulled me towards him by my arms forcefully. My eyes were slightly widened at his action as his icy cold eyes clashed against my honey one.
"Don't you dare to step back"

I felt his minty fragrance against my mouth, cool and fresh but as much as i liked the fragrance, my anger shot up at his words "You are intruding my personal space so i will dare to step back" I greeted my teeth in anger and tried to push him away but his hold on my arms got tightened. Honestly speaking this close proximity was effecting me that too very much.

Ya Allah! Please do something, i don't want to feel this type of feeling.

"Mr. Hamdaani leave me. It's haram! You are touching me without my permission" I spatted at his face in anger and his eyes turned even more darker than the night itself  "Then lets make it halal" with that said he slightly pushed me away.

I stood rooted on the place, My body was totally numb at his words, it was like cold has been washed over my whole body. I slowly turned to look at him but his back was facing me as he stood infront of the big glass window looking outside.

He slowly pulled out a cigar from his pocket, lit it and ever so perfectly pushed out a puff out of his mouth. My mind was a total mess right now, it was like i wasn't capable of thinking anything and my eyes were just staring ahead at him quietly when his  icy voice boomed in the silent study "Don't think that i am in love with you, it's just that i need a wife on urgent basis" His stern voice was enough to make me shudder slightly.

At his words i should've taken a sigh of relief that he don't like me or anything but i felt like something broke in my heart. The unusual feeling came back. I closed my eyes to calm my nerves down and took a deep breath before opening my eyes and replying him.

"Then go look for someone else" He turned without looking at me, he place the wasted cigar on the astray and straightening his back he looked towards me.

"I hate women, i am tolerating you that's not mean that i have patience for any other women" What does he mean he is tolerating me? He gave me job himself, i didn't beg him for this job.

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