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I slowly opened my eyes as i heard the beautiful voice of Azan

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I slowly opened my eyes as i heard the beautiful voice of Azan. I adjusted my eyesight as the room was still dark but what i met was the hardcore muscled chest and the warm breathing against my face. I instantly felt myself stiffened against his chest, blinking my eyes to waver off the shock, i loosened my hold on his naked waist and looked upwards at him.

He was sleeping peacefully, his front bangs were shadowing his forehead till his eyelashes which were over shadowing his cheeks. His even and soft breathing was flattering my heart away. His one arm was under my neck and the other one was softly placed on my waist. His hold wasn't tight but extremely soft as if he just wanted me to be safe in his embrace. It felt so pure yet a seed of guilt was sowed in my heart.

Ya Allah! I am sorry. I know i am at fault, please forgive me.

Mr. Hamdaani isn't at fault because i know myself, surely i am the one to hug him in my embrace. I just can't sleep peacefully without having someone in my embrace. I should've held a bolster. Why i am so stupid?Ughh!!

Taking a deep breath, i softly placed his arm from my waist to his waist but my attempt was futile because as soon as i held his arm, his aquamarine eyes opened to stare right at me. He didn't uttered a single word but his warm sleepy look was replaced by his hard stare.

"It's........" I trailed off at his morning deep, husky voice making my heart to skip a beat but i frowned at his words "Don't you dare to blame me, it was you who hugged me" When did i blamed him, i was going to apologize but he just have to open his mouth but anyways, it was my fault.

I nodded my head at him averting my eyes down and mumbled "Sorry" As i was free from his embrace, i calmly sat up straight hanging my legs by the bed and backing him i uttered as calmly as i can "It's fajr time so please wake up" Saying this i walked straight towards the washroom with an internal sigh. I know that his face must be scrunched up and he will not offer the prayer but there is still hope for everything right?

There definitely will a day when he will offer the prayer himself. Insha'Allah!


Do I really have to wear this? This was the very first thought which came to my mind. I was looking at the dark maroon colored silk saree, there was stone work on the borders of saree which was giving a beautiful look to the it. It was specially handed to me by Mr. Hamdaani, not only the saree, but heels and jewelry also. I sighed and picking up the saree i walked in the washroom.

I must say the classes arranged by Mr. Hamdaani helped alot because i had never wore a saree in my life before but the people Mr. Hamdaani arranged for me teached me alot and very perfectly.

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