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He was expressionless, his hands were clenched, his clothes were dishelved and the tie was loose

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He was expressionless, his hands were clenched, his clothes were dishelved and the tie was loose. He walked towards me and without a single word he stood next to me facing the room door in which Zaroon was admitted "Yuhaan....." I again uttered his name but what i got was his rageful glare, his eyes were as cold as the ice, so intense that a sudden chill rustled down my spine.

We both stood there silently until the silence broke by his murderous voice as he ordered his bodyguard at some distance in the corridor "Shift him to the VIP room" He nodded and walked away.

"Yuhaan....." I placed my hand on his shoulder to console him but trailed off as he jerked my hand away and gripped it tightly before dragging me to the empty room beside Zaroon's room.

As the door was shut by the thud, I was pinned to the door itself, i closed my eyes at the impact "What is your job"? He asked greeting his teeth in anger and his hold on my arms was very tight as if he was going to break it.

"I f*cking asked you something" He jerked me so hard that my back hit the door yet again.

"You know what? You don't deserve it. From the day one i gave you every little information about the kids, i gave you relaxation in your job, You just don't deserve it. I don't want to see you near Zaroon right now. Just leave!" Saying this he pushed me away, my hand pierced by a door's nail and a slight cut was formed. It was painful but not as painful as his words. He didn't asked, he didn't let me explain, he just blamed me for no reason.

I understand he is in tension, i understand his emotions, i understand him, maybe he is right in some aspects but he just can't put whole blame on me. Don't he trust me?

I was pulled out of my thoughts and flinched a little when i heard his thunderous voice.

"Get out of my sight, i don't want to see your face" saying this, he turned his face to the other side. His jaw was clenched, his hands were in a fist and his blank eyes were staring into nothingness.

I stood there for a whole 1 minute for him to stop me, to hold me in his secure embrace, to clean my teary face but my wishful thinking shattered into millions of pieces when he didn't even passed me a single glance.

Turning away with a heavy heart and teary eyes, i walked out of the hospital corridors. Leaning against the cold wall, a heart wrenching sob left my mouth. As soon as i closed my eyes, our lovely moments flashed in my eyes to make me snap open my eyes. Taking some deep breaths to stable my breathless breathing, i looked up in the sky, a silent plead left my mouth.

"Ya Allah!"

He is right, thats my job to take care of the kids but am i asking too much for him to trust me, not fully just a little? His words tonight told me that i am no one to him, he don't trust me.

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