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2 months passed in a blink

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2 months passed in a blink. Some things are a bit changed such as the relationship between the pair of mother and son. They behave same as before but now they somehow communicate with eachother, not directly but through us but still it's a plus point. Sometimes i saw them wishing eachother Good Morning, Good Night and sometimes passing eachother glances.

Although Yuhaan never took the first step to talk with her but he also don't ignore her now, if she speaks with him, he replies her with his short sentences or words but didn't ignore her like before. So yeah they are good going. Alhumdulilah!

The kids are also fit and fine, they became the unsepratable 3 musketeers. Zaroon quite bonded with Jaan and he is fully healthy now. Alhumdulilah!

I had read it before that actions speak louder than the words and in these 2 months, i saw it with my eyes. Yuhaan's actions aren't speaking but roaring but as i said before i want to hear his silence, i want to hear my name in his every heartbeat, i want to hear HIM.

I know he is trying and i am giving him time. I know he hesitates in expressing his emotions, his feelings so i am giving him his lone time.

Right now i am with Afreen in a shopping mall, after university she dragged me here and it's 7 in the evening now and she's still on her rampage running from one shop to another. This girl!

I messaged Yuhaan about me getting home a bit late but it's too late now and she is not listening to me at all "Bobo please can we go home now? kids are surely waiting for me, it's too late" she instantly passed me a glare and mumbled something under her breath making me frown at her "What"? I asked knitting my brows together and she just shooked her head in reponse saying "I am done let's drop you at your home before your husband put me behind the bars for kidnapping his precious wife"

There is definitely something wrong with her today, she didn't reacted about me calling her bobo? I checked her temperature putting my hand on her forehead and asked in a serious tone "Bobo are you okay today? Any fever or...." I trailed off as she slightly pushed my hand away saying "So childish"

As soon as she uttered, i laughed out aloud at her scrunched up face and glaring hard at me, she walked ahead.

She behaves really cute sometimes.


As she dropped me off at home, i walked in but it was too quiet for my liking. I was feeling like there is no one here "Mrs. Khalid" I called out but no avail. As i was going upstairs, my phone rang indicating a new message in inbox.

It was from Yuhaan, i frowned and opened it 'Come to backyard Garden' That was it. This Man!
Shooking my head slightly, i made my way towards the garden.

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