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I was strolling in the big garden of palace taking in the beauty of greenery around me as it was evening and soon going to be 'Magrib time', the birds were chirping around the cloudy sky making their way towards their homes, the slight rays of sun...

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I was strolling in the big garden of palace taking in the beauty of greenery around me as it was evening and soon going to be 'Magrib time', the birds were chirping around the cloudy sky making their way towards their homes, the slight rays of sun were shinning on the flowers as the sun was setting slowing, getting himself lost behind the clouds. The wind was chilly enough to make me shiver but a smile pulled up on my lips.

I was enjoying my alone moment when Shaheen interrupted me and my smile from before replaced a poker face "Isn't it beautiful 'My Lady' just as you are"? He asked pointing towards the rose in his hands which he was forwarding towards me.

I instantly frowned looking at the flower when by mistake i inhaled. I was going to jerk the flower away from his hand when i sneezed and ordered him angrily "Get it away from me" i again sneezed making him frown.

He threw the flower away hurriedly before asking in somewhat concerning tone "Are you Okay My Lady"? I didn't answered him, i turned to leave when he caught my wrist firmly pulling me towards the sitting area of the garden ordering the servants behind him "Get me a glass of warm water"

"Shaheen leave my hand right this moment" I ordered in a stern voice struggling to get my hand free from his grasp but he was obviously more stronger than me.

Paying me no heed, he made me sit on the bench and sat down beside me finally letting my hand go "Don't you ever dare to touch me again or else i will personally cut off your hands and don't take my words as a warning, take them as a promise" with each word, my glare deepened at him whereas he was unbothered about my threat.

"Are you Okay now Ayzal"? His voice was laced with concern but my mind got stuck at my name from his mouth. No one in this palace knows my name then how did he knew?

"How did you know my name"? My voice was cold and stern whereas my tone was commanding "Well nothing much, just a little investigation" He shrugged his shoulders with a small smile on his lips.

I narrowed my eyes at him but didn't asked further, in the meantime, a servant came holding a gold plated tray with a glass of water in it "I don't need it" I refused right away because i didn't wanted to drink anything given from him.

"So, Ayzal......" I cutted him off in between correcting his mistake grimly "It's 'Your Highness' for you. Don't ever take my name from your mouth" He narrowed his eyes at me and then nodded his head with a smirk playing on his lips.

He gestured a servant to give him something. I gasped in astonishment as i saw a beautiful box which was covered by a glass cover and beautiful different types of butterflies could be seen from it "Here! It's a gift for you My Lady" A question was swirling around my head, why was he behaving so good to me? There's surely a scheme behind his every action.

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