
999 21 10

After the ten minute ride from the bar, Amity got back to her dorm. Sometimes motorcycles are a pain. She was burning up it that helmet. Still red from anger.

Honestly she was more embarrassed than mad. She was being a bit dramatic, but that Luz girl started it.

Sitting on her bed she realized that she's never seen Luz before. ....And that's shes pretty cute.

Now looking back she remembered her beanie. It looked really raggedy. Thinking harder this time she remembered her bi pin.

She really didn't think of it again, because she was still mad, she just sat there. Trying to reason where this girl came from and why did she just popped off like that.


She was literally drunk.

She thought back to when Bosha was in her "I'm fine with anyone" phase. She was talking about this girl one time. She looks exactly like how she described.

It was really hard to tell that she was drunk. But she remembered the amount of times she saw Willow came over with another 3 shots.

"That's actually kinda impressive" Amity whispered to herself.

4:27 A.M

Amity is knocked out sleep. A knock is at her door. She tries to ignore it but it gets louder.

And louder...
And louder......
And louder.........

Amity finally wakes up to answer the door.

Of course it's Bosha. Drunk. Again.

At this point Amity's sick of it. She slams the door in her face and goes right back to bed.


The next day she wakes up in the most awkward position.

"Great. Now my neck is sore"

Dragging herself to the mirror to see if she's bruised. And of course she is. She had her neck on the head of her bed frame. She bruises really easily.

It's Monday so she has to go to school. She's also still groggy so she didn't even think to use her foundation to cover it up. She barely uses the foundation. She really only uses eyeliner.

While she's at the mirror she washes and moisturizers her face, pulls her hair up, puts her eyeliner on, and mentally prepares herself to see all of the hungover people at school.

After putting her outfit on, she grabs her bag and heads out.

Immediately after walking outside her dormitory, she's interrupted by Bosha.


"Oh my Titan, Amity. You would never... believe it. I got like no sleep because-"

"You got drunk, called an Uber, got home late, hung out at a random boys house, drank more, and finally got home. I know."

"Oh my Titan, you do know."
"Ams, what is that purple spot on your neck and shoulder?"


Everyone within the 4 yard radius looked over.


Now walking down the hallway, Amity is basically spying on Luz. She's talking to Gus and Willow. Who knew Willow was friends With the smart kid. Amity was always a little jealous of Gus, but that was when she needed her parents approval for everything.

"Oh. My. Titan. She looked at me."

They locked eyes, you could visibly see Amity was freaking out. She didn't know why because she didn't even know the girl.

"She's walking over to me. Bosha. Hide me."

Amity honestly thought she was going to pick a fight again. She was also impressed as to how Luz wasn't hungover.

"Hey blight. Look. I'm sorry about last night. Don't think this means I don't have my reservations about you, but I barely know you. Okay?"

"Oh. Um- Of course"

"Now why are you acting shy? Last night you were a little bold, what happened?"


She was making that "flirty-smirk" again. Amity hated that. At least she just doesn't like it.

At this point Amity is pinned to the wall and Luz is close as heck.

"I'm fine, now get off me."

"No please? Last time I checked, blights are supposed to have manners"

"Heh. What do you know about me? Nothing. That's what I thought. Now get off me."

"There you are"

"Also, cute bruise. Come to my dorm if you want some Motrin though. That looks bad"

Amity starts to blush. Hard.  Out of embarrassment and because Luz called her bruise "cute"

Backing up Luz starts to walk away.

"Cya later, Blight"


What's that? Spelling checking? Never heard of it.

Anyways I made this chapter WAYY longer. Tbh I have a good idea for the next chapter, but feel free to comment ideas.

Ty! Byeeee

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